Christ desire to do perverted acts? Did He have rebellion in His heart
against God? Did He barely hold back intense hatred?
some of those advocating the fallen nature view of Christ's human nature
have made very exaggerated statements about the inner thoughts and
feelings of Jesus.
present statement, perhaps the first of its kind, is an attempt to clarify
certain aspects of Christ's earthly life, such as these: What were the
limiting aspects of those temptations? Were any of His thoughts and
feelings evil?
we know the
perimeters—the outer limits—for this study. They consist of
five points:
- Christ took our nature, fallen after 4,000 years of sin.
- Satan did everything possible, everything imaginable to tempt, harass,
and overcome Christ.
- Christ was tempted in all points like as we are.
- Christ never sinned.
- Christ is our example in all things. He is the perfect example.
the basis of those five points, we can gauge the extent and scope of these
temptations, which Christ experienced, and His reaction to them.
- Christ took our nature. He took the very nature we have, with all its
limitations and weaknesses. He became, in verity, a human being just like
His Incarnation onward, Christ was fully God and fully man. But, while on
earth, Christ never used His divinity to aid His humanity. His only
assistance was guidance and strength from His Father. His only source of
help was that which we can have.
- Every temptation common to mankind was pressed upon Christ by Satan. The
ferocity of those temptations can hardly be imagined. Satan did everything
in his power to overcome the Son of God. Yet he was totally unsuccessful.
- (1) Christ was tempted in all points like as we are, (2) yet without
sin. These are the two great balancing points. In addition, we have the
fact that, in all things, He is our perfect Example; one which we can
safely follow. We will follow the Lamb through all eternity; we can safely
follow Him now.
tempted Christ to take every possible bad attitude, think every possible
bad thought, say every possible bad thing, and do every possible bad
action. But Christ did not do so. There was nothing in Him which responded
to Satan's temptations.
the temptations fierce? Yes, more than anything you and I have or will
ever experience. But was Christ sullied by these temptations? Did they
bring evil into His thoughts, His feelings, His life? No. How can we know?
Because we are told hundreds of times in the Bible/Spirit of Prophecy that
Christ was without sin.
but someone will reply, it is not sin to be tempted. It is not sin
to be tempted, but it is sin to invitingly respond to temptation. This
Christ never did, so there was no evil within Him.
had all our frailties, weaknesses, and leanings toward sin, but He did
not respond to those leanings, and this made all the difference.
are safe only as we remain within the perimeters: Christ took our nature;
was tempted; never sinned.
any of these three aspects are missing or flawed, then Christ is not our
Example, our perfect Sacrifice, our Atonement, our Mediating Priest, and
our Saviour.
had to fully take our nature, be fully tempted, and never sin. And that is
exactly what He did.
a temptation comes to the soul, it may come suddenly and it may come with
great power. But one thing is certain: When it arrives, the individual
experiencing it will respond. That response will be his choice in the
matter. It may be a light, passing temptation, and he may reject it by
just ignoring it and turning his thoughts to something else. It may be
very strong and he may fight it fiercely, and overcome.
instead of resisting it, the soul may consider it with interest and
delight. The contamination of the temptation fills his mind, and he yields
to the desire which has been aroused.
response to the temptation is crucial. Christ's response was always a
negative one. Temptations and sinful thoughts never lingered in His mind.
He instantly repulsed them. He did that through the same power available
to every child of God. That which Christ did, we can do.
is an example of how it works: A person is tempted to have thoughts of
rebellion against God. Christ was tempted with that thought also. But the
temptation came to Him even more powerfully than it does to us.
when the temptation came to Christ—He instantly cast it out. He repulsed
it, just as we may do.
when the temptation comes to a person who has had rebellious thoughts
before, that person is also free to reject the temptation or accept it.
he is trusting in Jesus, God will give him grace to repulse it as Christ
did—even though he may earlier have indulged in rebellious thoughts. It
is in that sense that Christ has no advantage over us in meeting
temptation. The strength He received to meet them, we too can have.
if the man chooses to linger on the temptation for a moment, then it
strikes an answering chord in his own mind. He lingers over the temptation
as Eve lingered about the forbidden tree.
Christ never lingered.
will say, Well, then, Christ had no answering chords, but we do.
Yes, but the answering chords—the sympathies with sin—are only there
when we linger. Christ did not linger, and neither need we. If you do not
linger over it, when the temptation comes, there will be no answering
chord to worry about. In the strength of Christ, repulse it immediately.
Refuse it instantly. In addition, as you continue doing that, the
answering chords tend to fade away.
speak from experience. I am sure you have experienced it also. It is an
experience we can all have, from day to day. In the strength of Christ we
can overcome all the power of the evil one. Thank God!
as we draw closer to our Creator, we will continually feel more and more
our deficiencies and our weakness apart from Him. There will be no vaunted
pride, Hey, look at me! I have overcome, and am living without sin!
Flee from anyone who claims to be without sin. Earnest Christians do not
consider themselves sinless and worthy of eternal life.
from time to time, those strong temptations will come again. Yet, just as
Jesus did, we can as quickly resist them—and cast them out.
do we do this? because we love Jesus with all our hearts, more than we
love the evils of earth. Our loyalty is to the God of heaven, not to the
devilish trinkets Satan presents to us.
we find that Jesus did not have evil feelings, evil thoughts, evil words,
or evil actions. He was sinless. He harbored nothing evil.
He have evil tendencies or propensities? He inherited weaknesses just as
we all do. But He yielded to none of them. He entertained none of them in
His thoughts. Thus it is clear that Christ did have inherited tendencies,
but He had no evil propensities such as we do. To say that again: He
inherited weaknesses and tendencies as we do, but, because he did not
respond favorably to any of them when tempted, He did not change it into
an evil disposition, or liking, in His mind. He did not transform the
potential immorality into actual immorality. He did not respond favorably
to inherited or environmental negative factors. Because He did not accept
them, He did not make them His own.
view of all that we have discussed, it is clear that Christ is our perfect
Example. He is the great Exemplar, the Pattern Man, the One we can safely
follow in every way.
was tempted in every way we are, yet He never once yielded to the
temptations. He did not have the blood of raging rebels burning in His
veins; He did not have rebellious thoughts against God; He did not have
pride, stubbornness, and evil desires overwhelming Him.
someone will say, But I do! Well, the same strength available to Him
is now available to you. Read the little book, Steps to Christ, carefully
and you will find it all outlined in clear detail.
in mind that Christ was also tempted more than you will ever be tempted.
He was tempted incessantly by Satan. No human being was ever tempted as
constantly as was Christ. Why? Whether Satan conquers you or me is of some
importance to him.—But whether he could overcome Christ was a
life-or-death issue to him! If the devil could win Christ to his side, he,
Satan, would not have to perish someday in the lake of fire! There would
be no lake of fire! So the temptations experienced by Christ were utterly
devastating in strength and in constancy.
this life, Christ was continually harassed by evil relatives, associates,
priests, and people—to a degree you and I will never experience. Satan
did no idling while Christ walked this planet.
Christ experienced the forty-day Wilderness temptation for our sakes, and
He went through Gethsemane and the agony of the cross.
Christ was tempted to call upon His divine nature to come to His aid. But
He never did that. That alone was a powerful temptation.
then, the temptations of Christ were far greater than any experienced by
mankind. Yet, through it all, He never once yielded. Never once was His
mind tainted by the evil of this world.
can we know it? Because Gods Word tells us so. When we believe the
Word, everything else falls into place.
following quotations are selected from the book,
Redemption, or the Temptation of Christ in the Wilderness,
By E.G. White:
unsullied purity of the childhood, youth, and manhood, of Christ which
Satan could not taint, annoyed him exceedingly. All his darts and arrows
of temptation fell harmless before the Son of God. Redemption, or
the Temptation of Christ in the Wilderness, 26.
there should be one who walked the earth with moral power to withstand all
his temptations, who resisted all his attractive bribes to allure Him to
sin, and over whom he could obtain no advantage to separate from God,
chafed and enraged his satanic majesty. Redemption, 26.
[Satan] now feared that his empire over the world was to be contested, his
right disputed, and his power broken . . He knew that everything which
concerned his prosperity was pending upon his success or failure in
overcoming Christ with his temptations in the wilderness. He brought to
bear upon Christ every artifice and force of his powerful temptations to
allure Him from his allegiance. Redemption, 29.
is impossible for man to know the strength of Satan's temptations to the
Son of God. every temptation that seems so afflicting to man in his daily
life, so difficult to resist and overcome, was brought to bear upon the
Son of God in as much greater degree as His excellence of character was
superior to that of fallen man . . He met the strongest force of Satan.
His most wily temptations Christ has tested and conquered in behalf of
man: It is impossible for man to be tempted above what he is able to bear
while he relies upon Jesus, the infinite Conqueror. Redemption,
the desolate wilderness, Christ was not in so favorable a position to
endure the temptations of Satan as was Adam when he was tempted in Eden.
The Son of God humbled Himself, and took mans nature, after the race
had wandered four thousand years from Eden, and from their original state
of purity and uprightness. Sin had been making its terrible marks upon the
race for ages. Redemption, 30.
behalf of the race, with the weaknesses of fallen man upon Him, He was to
stand the temptations of Satan upon all points on which man could be
assailed. Redemption, 30.
had entered the world as Satan's destroyer, and the Redeemer of the
captives bound by his power. He would leave an example in His own
victorious life for man to follow, and thus overcome the temptations of
Satan. Redemption, 34.
in behalf of the race, was to overcome appetite, by standing the most
powerful test upon this point. He was to tread the path of temptation
alone, and there must be none to help Him—none to comfort or uphold Him.
Alone He was to wrestle with the powers of darkness. Redemption,
mans behalf, He must show self-denial, perseverance, and firmness of
principle, paramount to the gnawing pangs of hunger. He must show a power
of control stronger than hunger and even death . . He was emaciated
through long fasting, and felt the keenest sense of hunger. Redemption,
35, 36.
Christ was suffering the keenest pangs of hunger he withstood the
temptation. Redemption, 42.
soon as the long fast of Christ commenced, Satan was at hand with his
temptations . . Satan had manifold temptations prepared to ensnare Christ,
and obtain advantage of Him; if he failed in one temptation, he would try
another. Redemption, 37-38.
could have worked a miracle in his own behalf; but this would not have
been in accordance with the plan of salvation . . By a miracle of mercy,
He fed five thousand at once with five loaves and two small fishes.
Therefore He had the power to work a miracle, and satisfy His own
hunger. Redemption, 39.
hoped that he could insinuate doubts . . This was indeed a temptation to
Christ. But He cherished it not for a moment. Redemption, 40.
did not appear to notice the reviling taunts of Satan. Redemption,
life of Christ was a perfect pattern. Redemption, 43.
was expecting that the Son of God would, in His extreme weakness and agony
of spirit, give him an opportunity to obtain advantage over Him by
provoking Him to engage in controversy with him . . The Saviour of the
world had no controversy with Satan. Redemption, 43-44.
Satan was not willing to cease his efforts until he had tried every means
to obtain victory over the worlds Redeemer. He knew that with himself
all was at stake, whether he or Christ should be victor in the
contest. Redemption, 44.
Redeemer of the world wavered not from His integrity, and showed that He
had perfect faith in His Fathers promised care. Redemption, 48.
[Think that sentence through; it is a key point in resisting temptation.]
eye of Jesus for a moment rested upon the glory presented before him; but
He turned away, and refused to look upon the entrancing spectacle. He
would not endanger His steadfast integrity by dallying with the
tempter. Redemption, 52.
AND PASSIONS—We may have propensities and passions but, in the strength
of Christ they can be placed under firm control. Thus it was also with
Jesus, while He was here.
for one moment was there in Him an evil propensity. Letter to
W.L.H. Baker, 1895.
man of like passion as ourselves, the pen of inspiration describes him
[Daniel] as without fault. Prophets and Kings, 546.
appetite and passions should be restricted
and under the control of an enlightened conscience.3
Testimonies, 491.
true Christian will have control of his appetite and passions.3
Testimonies, 569-570.
your passions and appetites may be subject to the control of reason . .
Our natural propensities must be controlled, or we can never overcome as
Christ overcame.4 Testimonies, 235.
animal propensities are to be subjected to the higher powers of the
soul. Adventist Home, 128.
]the grace of Christ] is implanted in the heart, it will cast out the evil
passions that cause strife and dissension. Desire
of Ages, 305.
BAKER LETTER—In this study, we have opposed a tendency to suggest that
Christ was corrupt in mind and thought. The one who appeared to suggest
it, probably did not intend to say that, yet we should be aware of the
danger; hence this two part tract study.
a full century ago there was a man who was speculating that Christ had,
indeed, more than our fallen nature; He also had our sinful thoughts
and corrupt feelings. The mans name was W.L.H. Baker, a pastor in
Tasmania. In 1895, E.G. White wrote a letter to him warning him away from
the direction in which he was headed. Included below are all the crucial
statements in that letter:
careful, exceedingly careful as to how you dwell upon the human nature of
Christ. Do not set Him before the people as a man with the propensities of
sin . . He could have sinned; He could have fallen, but not for one moment
was there in Him an evil propensity . . Avoid every question in relation
to the humanity of Christ which is liable to be misunderstood . .
in any way, leave the slightest impression upon human minds that a taint
of, or inclination to corruption rested upon Christ, or that He in any way
yielded to corruption. He was tempted in all points like as man is
tempted, yet He is called that holy thing. It is a mystery that is left
unexplained to mortals that Christ could be tempted in all points like as
we are, and yet be without sin. . . Let every human being be warned from
the ground of making Christ altogether human, such an one as ourselves;
for it cannot be . .
The prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in Me—nothing to
respond to temptations. Not once did Christ step on Satan's ground, to
give him any advantage. Satan found nothing in Him to encourage his
advances. Manuscript Release, 414; the
letter to W. L. H. Baker, 1895.
BASIS OF OUR SALVATION—The fact that Jesus Christ become fully like us
and, in our human nature, met and overcome every temptation of Satan is
basic to our salvation. Through His strength, we also can overcome all the
power of the evil one.
is constantly seeking to deceive the followers of Christ with his fatal
sophistry that it is impossible for them to overcome. Great
Controversy, 489.
characters formed in this life will determine the future destiny. When
Christ shall come, He will not change the character of any
individual. 4 Testimonies, 429.
no one say, I cannot remedy my defects of character. If you come to this
decision, you will certainly fail of obtaining everlasting life.
Object Lessons, 331.
He comes He is not to cleanse us of our sins, to remove from us the
defects of our characters, or to cure us of the infirmities of our tempers
and dispositions. If wrought for us at all, the work will be accomplished
before that time.
the Lord comes, those who are holy will be holy still. Those who have
preserved their bodies and spirits in holiness, in sanctification, and
honor will then receive the finishing touch of immortality. But those who
are unjust, unsanctified, and filthy will remain so forever. No work will
then be done for them to remove their defects and give them holy
characters. The refiner does not then sit to pursue His refining process
and remove their sins and corruption. This is all to be done in these
hours of probation. It is now that this work is to be accomplished for
us. 2 Testimonies, 355.
took our fallen nature, and in that nature never personally fell into sin.
He took our weakened humanity, but was always strong to do right. He bore
our sins and died for our sins, but He never personally sinned. Through
faith in the Fathers enabling strength, He overcame as we can overcome.
God for His Inexpressible Gift! Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour!
Continue- The Nature of Christ Apostasy