to a Great Place to Buy Lowest Price, High Quality~ DATE OF PUBLICATION: MARCH 20, 2004 Unless you are living where you have no access to current news in the world, you know the situation: The Al Qaeda has declared war on America, as well as on many other nations on the globe. They are trying to bomb mankind into mass terror, confusion, and submission to Islam. A few days ago and four days before national elections Al Qaeda bombed Madrid, Spain, killing over 200 and injuring thousands. Yet it was so easily done. Men carrying packages, briefcases, or backpacks boarded subways just like thousands of other people that morning, who were also carrying things. It was no loss to the Muslims who died; because for years they had been instructed at the mosques that, when they die in the act of killing infidels, they will immediately fly to a heaven that is filled with eternal sex and liquor as their reward. In Spain, the masses went into an uproar and blamed the government for not protecting them; they did not blame Al Qaeda. Two million people were on the streets. As a result, in the national elections yesterday, the Popular Party (which had sided with the U.S., thereby incurring Muslim wrath) widely expected to win by a good margin; they were strongly defeated by the Socialists, who had been further behind in the polls. This morning, the new president said he would immediately pull Spanish troops out of Iraq. So Al Qaeda won a great victory by their action in blowing people apart just before national elections in Spain. They are learning that bombings accomplish their purposes; and this will occur more often elsewhere. America has elections coming up too. What would happen if, in coming months, Al-Qaeda planted several bombs in U.S. subways and trains? There would be terrific confusion. If they were to continue sporadically, there would be work stoppages; and commerce and government would grind to a halt. In view of what has already happened in (count them!) the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Iraq, Afghanistan, Greece, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Kenya, Tanzania, the Balkins, Russia, France, Germany, Turkey, Spain, and our own nation will it not soon happen here on an even wider scale? America is the supreme target; all those other countries are only secondary. There can be no defense against suicide bombers, regardless of whether they are walking into train stations or driving cars loaded with dynamite; because, in American cities, thousands of people and cars are continually on the move. In the days following the Madrid attack, U.S. terrorist experts have repeatedly been questioned. Their response has consistently been the same: It is impossible to defend against bombs carried on board trains and subways, into skyscrapers, or anywhere else that enormous numbers of people are passing to and fro.
Many of our people have already obeyed Spirit of Prophecy warnings regarding living in the big cities, where those bombs will be detonated. But when the bombs hit, terror will spread across the land.
What can you and I do to warn others at this time? I solemnly tell you that the best thing that can be done is to distribute the vital books for this time as widely as possible. Just now people are deeply interested in religious things, because of the new film, The Passion of the Christ. They are ready for the books you need to share with them. Right now, and even more in future months, they are deeply concerned about terrorist activities and threats. They are doubly ready for the books you need to share with them. You will have to sacrifice in order to share those books with them. We here at Mission Evangelism must also sacrifice in order to provide those books to you! It will cost you money to get those books out; it is going to cost us money to get those books to you. SO we are lowering the price of our 448-page 1884 Great Controversy, in boxful amounts (of 48 to the case)! We are lowering the price of our 736-page 1888 Great Controversy, in boxful amounts (of 48 to the case)! Where else in the world can you buy books with so many pages at such low prices? Where else in the world can you buy the most important books of all at such astoundingly low prices?
We will be providing you these two books at a price decidedly below what we pay for them even before the printing house tacks on the shipping charges to us. In addition to that, there are significant costs in processing each order, which ought to be covered by the sale. However, those processing costs are not met on any of our low-cost missionary paperbacks. However, with our Great Controversy's, the loss will be decidedly greater.
I cannot say how long we will provide those two books to you at slashed prices. When we cannot do it anymore, we will let you know. But, if we can, we intend to keep those lowest prices in place indefinitely. Our doors would close tomorrow if it were not for friends who believe in what we are doing and help us continue on. We are nearing the end; and work must be done, work for all of us!
Our two Great Controversy's are not stripped-down versions! We prepared them with tender loving care in order to make them extremely readable. Each one is in easy-to-read print size and has key points in bold print. Each one has standardized paging notations, historical maps, four indexes, dates of key events in each of the historical chapters, doctrinal charts, and loads of special topical quotation sections. Both have quotation source indexes and map indexes never printed before. In addition, the 1888 edition has Basic Steps to Christ, at the front, and Satan's instructions at the back. Like Ellen White, let us prize these books highly.