All nature is governed by laws which annihilate evolutionary theory. This one point alone destroys the possibility that evolution could be true. Evolutionary theory is a myth. God created everything; the evidence clearly points to it. Nothing else can explain the mountain of evidence. This is science vs. evolution—a Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, brought to you by Creation Science Facts.
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SCIENTISTS SPEAK about the Laws of Nature - 1
Introduction - Some underlying questions
The First Law of Thermodynamics - Energy cannot be created nor destroyed
The Second Law of Thermodynamics - Everything is running down and going to pieces
Entropy - Unusable energy keeps increasing
The Second Law Applies to Open Systems - There are no exceptions to what is included
SCIENTISTS SPEAK about the Laws of Nature - 2
Evolutionary Theorists Defy the Second Law - Evolutionists declare their theory to be above the law
But Some Have Doubts - Are we daring enough to resist the laws of physics?
The Second Law Is an Impregnable Fortress - In reality, nothing created can overthrow this law
How Did Everything Get Wound up in the Beginning? - If the clock is running down, who wound it up to begin with?
God Must Stand Behind These Laws - Both laws point to God as the One who made everything.
Forward to the next major topic in this series: DRIFT AND TECTONICS - The facts about continental drift and plate tectonics.