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The stars and galaxies did not just come into being by themselves. Common sense tells us that. But, in addition, there are powerful scientific reasons why they could not originate by accident. Here are 36 facts which disprove stellar evolution. This is science vs. evolution—a Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, brought to you by Creation Science Facts.

CONTENTS: Origin of the Stars - 1

Introduction - There is solid evidence disproving stellar evolutionary theories
16 Fatal Flaws - Fundamental reasons against the concept
20 More Problems - Still more scientific facts opposing the theory

Page numbers without book references refer to the book, ORIGIN OF THE STARS, from which these facts are summarized. An asterisk ( * ) by a name indicates that person is not known to be a creationist. Of over 4,000 quotations in the set of books this Encyclopedia is based on
, only 164 statements are by creationists.


There is solid evidence disproving stellar evolutionary theories.

Over a period of time a variety of fantastic theories were invented, which, together, were given the title, "stellar evolution." The basic theory teaches that free-floating hydrogen gas in outer space pushed itself into stars, and then those stars exploded. Those explosions are supposed to have pushed gas into more stars! (For more on this, open the web page, Origin of Matter).p. 11.

The stellar evolution theory is foolishness. Fortunately, common sense and reputable scientists have refuted it. Yet their writings are not well-known. Here is a summary of some of their findings. The truth is that there are many scientific facts which disprove the theory of fog coming out of nothing and pressing itself into stars:


Here are fundamental reasons disproving stellar evolution

1 - Where did the gas come from? Hydrogen gas is supposed to have made itself into stars, but where did the hydrogen come from?—p. 12.

2 - How could random gas movements produce stars and galaxies? The intricate design and balance of the galaxies renders the theory impossible. Gas, floating in outer space, does not push itself into stars.—p. 12.

3 - The birth of a star has never been observed. How then can anyone presume to tell us how it came about?—p. 12.

4 - We should see exploding stars today, since the theory requires that billions and billions of exploding stars occurred. Why would they have stopped exploding?—p. 13.

5 - It is not possible for loose, free-floating hydrogen to push itself into even one star, much less billions of them. Gas in outer space only expands; it does not contract. The pull of gravity within the gas, would not be strong enough to push it together.—p. 13.

6 - A star it would not compress gas into new stars.—p. 13.

7 - Stars are too far apart for even combined explosions to push gas into more new stars.—p. 13.

8 - There is not enough evolutionary time for the stars to be formed. The theory requires that they all explode themselves into existence, and then stop exploding just before their light could be sent for us to see.—p. 13.

9 - There is a universal law requiring star degeneration, not star formation. It is called the Second Law of Thermodynamics.—p. 13. (See Laws of Nature vs. Evolution.)

10 - Explosions could not produce what we find in the skies. All about us are the complicated orbits and careful balancing of the stars around galaxies.—p. 13.

11 - The theory does not explain the working of gravity; yet, if it is a comprehensive theory of self-originations, it should do so.—p. 14.

12 - The theory requires that stars are fueled (shine) by hydrogen explosions, but that cannot be true since not enough neutrinos (subatomic antimatter) are formed.—p. 14.

13 - Evolutionists dare not accept the truth of the missing neutrinos, because they know it would destroy their theory of star origins.—p. 14.

14 - Stars shine because of This fact means the universe is much younger than the evolutionists theorize.—pp. 15-16.

15 - (160-minute oscillations) on the sun's surface, support the concept of solar collapse.—p. 16.

16 - Abundant evidence points to a young universe and a very young Planet Earth.—(See Age of the Earth.)—p. 16.


Still more scientific facts opposing the theory.

1 - Galaxies never exist alone; they always exist in pairs or larger groups. Yet, the theorized "cloud condensation" would not result in nearby pairs or groups.p. 17.

2 - Stars are too far apart, within galaxies, for the galactic systems to form or hold together. The amount of matter within a galaxy could not produce the formation of individual stars. The space-to-mass ratio is too great to bind them together.—p. 17.

3 - Galactic stars travel too fast. The velocity of stars, traveling around the central galactic core, is too fast for galaxies to be very old.—p. 17.

4 - Wrapping-up factor. The galaxies cannot be very old because the galactic magnetic field would cause a too-quick wrapping-up of the stars.—p. 17.

5 - The usual saucer shape of galaxies defies explanation by the laws of physics. They should not hold together as they do.—p. 18.

6 - If the evolutionary redshift theory were true, stars within galaxies would fly apart, but they do not do so. (See The Origin of Matter, for an explanation of the redshift.)—p. 18.

7 - Some galaxy groups are joined by luminous bridges of matter. This cannot be explained by the stellar evolution theory.—p. 19.

8 - Hydrogen gas in outer space cannot possibly stick together. This important proof was worked out by Harwit.—p. 19.

9 - Each galaxy must be as young as its youngest stars, because of the mass-luminosity law and the fact that all types of stars are found in each galaxy.—p. 19.

10 - All stars are chemically similar, yet they should not be if the theory were true.—p. 19

11 - Outflowing gas cannot possibly clump together into stars. There is no scientific way it can happen.—pp. 19-20.

12 - There is not enough matter in gas clouds to form a star. There are just not enough particles, close enough together, for them to push themselves into a ball.—p. 20.

13 - Gas clouds expand, they do not contract. Therefore they cannot form stars.—p. 20.

14 - The theory says stars are formed by explosions, but: (1) If one star exploded to form a second star, where did the first star come from? (2) If a star has to be destroyed, to make another one,—where did all our billions of stars come from? (3) If a star exploded, the outrushing gases would keep flowing outward. According to the theory, the first stars only had hydrogen in them, and they had to explode in order to make heavier element stars. But, if each exploding star only made one new star, where did the billions of heavier stars in the universe come from?—p. 20.

15 - Stars should not exist at all. There is simply no mechanism by which they could form. Gas on earth would never push into itself; it would expand. In the vacuum of outer space, it would be even less possible.—p. 25.

16 - Stars never get closer than a certain distance. This appears to be according to preplanning.—pp. 25, 27.

17 - A physical barrier exists between the smallest and largest stars; the red giants and the white dwarfs they are supposed to evolve into.—p. 27.

18 - Over half the stars are binary or multiple star systems. How could they possibly originate from random gas movements and star explosions? Only God could make two stars encircle each other, without crashing into one another.—p. 20.

19 - No evidence exists that evolution theory has occurred anywhere in the universe.—p. 20

20 - The They deny the possibility of stellar evolution. (See The Laws of Nature vs. Evolution, for more on this.)—pp. 20-21.

The search continues. Evolutionists desperately continue searching for some scrap of evidence which will really support their theory that the universe made itself. But they labor in vain.—pp. 21, 23.

Conclusion. The truly great men are those who acknowledge that God made the universe and everything within it.—p. 23.


To the NEXT PAGE to conclude what you are now reading (Origin of the Stars - Part 2 of 2) - 15 more scientific facts which disprove stellar evolution