THE TERRIBLE STORM! SECTION ONE THE JUDGMENTS OF GOD IN THE LAST DAYS GOD WILL INTERPOSE - HE WILL PUNISH "The crisis is fast approaching. The rapidly swelling figures show that the time for Gods visitation has about come. Although loath to punish, nevertheless He will punish, and that speedily." 5 Testimonies, 209. "Instead of being softened by the patience and long forbearance that the Lord has exercised toward them, those who fear not God and love not the truth strengthen their hearts in their evil course. But there are limits even to the forbearance of God, and many are exceeding these boundaries. They have overrun the limits of grace, and therefore God must interfere and vindicate His own honor." 5 Testimonies, 208. "The world has become bold in transgression of Gods law. Because of His long forbearance, men have trampled upon His authority . . But there is a line beyond which they cannot pass. The time is near when they will have reached the prescribed limit. Even now they have almost exceeded the bounds of the longsuffering of God, the limits of His grace, the limits of His mercy. The Lord will interpose to vindicate His own honor, to deliver His people, and to repress the swellings of unrighteousness. "In Noah's day, men had disregarded the law of God until almost all remembrance of the Creator had passed away from the earth. Their iniquity reached so great a height that the Lord brought a flood of waters upon the earth, and swept away its wicked inhabitants. "From age to age the Lord has made known the manner of His working. When a crisis has come, He has revealed Himself, and has interposed to hinder the working out of Satan's plans. With nations, with families, and with individuals, He has often permitted matters to come to a crisis, that His interference might become marked. Then He has made manifest that there is a God in Israel who will maintain His law and vindicate His people." Christ's Object Lessons, 177-178. GOD GIVES MEN TIME - BUT ONLY SO MUCH TIME "The wrath of God is declared against unrepentant sinners not merely because of the sins they have committed, but because, when called to repent, they choose to continue in resistance, repeating the sins of the past in defiance of the light given them." Acts of the Apostles, 62. "Now is the time for wrongs to be righted and sins to be confessed, or they will all appear before the sinner in the day of Gods wrath." 1 Testimonies, 156. "Men are prone to abuse the long-suffering of God and to presume on His forbearance. But there is a point in human iniquity when it is time for God to interfere; and terrible are the issues. The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked. Nahum 1:3. The long-suffering of God is wonderful, because He puts constraint on His own attributes; but punishment is nonetheless certain. Every century of profligacy has treasured up wrath against the day of wrath; and when the time comes, and the iniquity is full, then God will do His strange work. It will be found a terrible thing to have worn out the divine patience; for the wrath of God will fall so signally and strongly that it is represented as being unmixed with mercy; and the very earth will be desolated." 2 Selected Messages, 372-373. "Although this nation [the Amorites] was conspicuous because of its idolatry and corruption, it had not yet filled up the cup of its iniquity, and God would not give command for its utter destruction. The people were to see the divine power manifested in a marked manner, that they might be without excuse. The compassionate Creator was willing to bear with their iniquity until the fourth generation. Then, if no change was seen for the better, His judgments were to fall upon them. "With unerring accuracy the Infinite One still keeps an account with all nations. While His mercy is tendered, with calls to repentance, this account will remain open; but when the figures reach a certain amount which God has fixed, the ministry of His wrath commences. The account is closed. Divine patience ceases. There is no more pleading of mercy in their behalf." 5 Testimonies, 208. "For four hundred years the execution of this sentence [of death to the wicked Amalekites] had been deferred; but the Amalekites had not turned from their sins. The Lord knew that this wicked people would, if it were possible, blot out His people and His worship from the earth. Now the time had come for the sentence, so long delayed, to be executed. "The forbearance that God has exercised toward the wicked, emboldens men in transgression; but their punishment will be none the less certain and terrible for being long delayed. The Lord shall rise up as in Mount Perazim, He shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that He may do His work, His strange work; and bring to pass His act, His strange act. Isaiah 28:21. To our merciful God the act of punishment is a strange act. As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Ezekiel 33:11. The Lord is merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth . . forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin. Yet He will by no means clear the guilty. Exodus 34:6-7. While He does not delight in vengeance, He will execute judgment upon the transgressors of His law. He is forced to do this, to preserve the inhabitants of the earth from utter depravity and ruin. In order to save some He must cut off those who have become hardened in sin. The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked. Nahum 1:3. By terrible things in righteousness He will vindicate the authority of His downtrodden law. And the very fact of His reluctance to execute justice testifies to the enormity of the sins that call forth His judgments and to the severity of the retribution awaiting the transgressor." Patriarchs and Prophets, 628. WE FLEE FROM GODS WRATH BY FLEEING FROM SIN Carefully consider the following paragraphs. They explain that the Laodicean Message of Revelation 3 is closely connected with the Three Angels Messages of Revelation 14. And should not this be so? The three angels warn of the coming wrath of God and the only way of avoiding it, by submission and obedience to Him. The Laodicean Message comes at the same time in history and is a plea to Gods people to return to Him before it is too late. It is so urgently important that they return for they are commissioned to work with those angels in giving that final warning of the approaching wrath of God against the disobedient. It is no time for them to relax and say that the Third Angels Message is really of little consequence because there is no wrath of God! "The prophet Ezekiel thus enumerates the causes that led to Sodom's sin and destruction: Pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. All who would escape the doom of Sodom must shun the course that brought Gods judgments upon that wicked city . . "Many of you are reposing in false security, absorbed in selfish interests, and attracted by earthly treasures. You fear no evil. Danger seems a great way off. You will be deceived, deluded to your eternal ruin unless you arouse and with penitence and deep humiliation return unto the Lord. "Again and again has the voice from heaven addressed you. Will you obey this voice? Will you heed the counsel of the True Witness to seek the gold tried in the fire, the white raiment, and the eyesalve? The gold is faith and love, the white raiment is the righteousness of Christ. The eyesalve is that spiritual discernment which will enable you to see the wiles of Satan and shun them, to detect sin and abhor it, to see truth and obey it. "The deadly lethargy of the world is paralyzing your senses. Sin no longer appears repulsive because you are blinded by Satan. The judgments of God are soon to be poured out upon the earth. Escape for thy life is the warning from the angels of God. Other voices are heard saying, Do not become excited; there is no cause for special alarm. Those who are at ease in Zion cry Peace and safety while heaven declares that swift destruction is about to come upon the transgressor. The young, the frivolous, the pleasure loving, consider these warnings as idle tales and turn from them with a jest. Parents are inclined to think their children about right in the matter, and all sleep on at ease. Thus it was at the destruction of the old world and when Sodom and Gomorrah were consumed by fire. On the night prior to their destruction the cities of the plain rioted in pleasure. Lot was derided for his fears and warnings. But it was these scoffers that perished in the flames. That very night the door of mercy was forever closed to the wicked, careless inhabitants of Sodom. "It is God who holds in His hands the destiny of souls. He will not always be mocked; He will not always be trifled with. Already His judgments are in the land . . Yet the hearts of men are hardened. They recognize not the warning voice of God. They will not flee to the only refuge from the gathering storm." 5 Testimonies, 232-234. GOD WILL PUNISH THE TRANSGRESSORS OF HIS LAW "God has given in His Word decisive evidence that He will punish transgressors of His law. Those who flatter themselves that He is too merciful to execute justice upon the sinner, have only to look to the cross of Calvary. The death of the spotless Son of God testifies that the wages of sin is death, that every violation of Gods law must receive its just retribution. Christ the Sinless became sin for man . . In no other way could man be freed from the penalty of sin. And every soul that refuses to become a partaker of the atonement provided at such a cost must bear in his own person the guilt and punishment of transgression."Great Controversy. 539-540. " All the wicked will He destroy . . The power and authority of the divine government will be employed to put down rebellion; yet all the manifestations of retributive justice will be perfectly consistent with the character of God as a merciful, longsuffering, benevolent being . . The principles of the divine government are in perfect harmony with the Saviour's precept, Love your enemies. God executes justice upon the wicked, for the good of the universe, and even for the good of those upon whom His judgments are visited. He would make them happy if He could do so in accordance with the laws of His government and the justice of His character . . What source of enjoyment could heaven offer to those who are wholly absorbed in earthly and selfish interests? . . The destiny of the wicked is fixed by their own choice . . Like the waters of the Flood the fires of the great day declare Gods verdict, that the wicked are incurable . . It is in mercy to the universe that God will finally destroy the rejecters of His grace." Great Controversy, 541-543. Part of the "righteousness" of Gods judgments is the fact that they come from Him. He alone is qualified to execute judgment and do it justly. And for Him not to do so would be a denial of His mercy. His attribute of mercy (mercy to the righteous, mercy to the wicked, mercy to the unfallen worlds) requires that He finally blot out the wicked, and that He do it Himself. "A large class to whom the doctrine of eternal torment is revolting are driven to the opposite error. They see that the Scriptures represent God as a being of love and compassion, and they cannot believe that He will consign His creatures to the fires of . . hell . . Such a doctrine [the error that God will not kill the wicked], presuming upon Gods mercy, but ignoring His justice, pleases the carnal heart and emboldens the wicked in their iniquity." Great Controversy, 537. "Though God is strict to mark iniquity and to punish transgression, He takes no delight in vengeance. The work of destruction is a strange work to Him who is infinite in love." Patriarchs and Prophets, 139. "The rabbis had a saying that there is rejoicing in heaven when one who has sinned against God is destroyed; but Jesus taught that to God the work of destruction is a strange work. That in which all heaven delights is the restoration of Gods own image in the souls whom He has made." Christ's Object Lessons, 190. As long as God sees that men have not passed their probation, He ministers in every way possible to save them and draw them to Himself. But when men continue to adamantly refuse that proffered love, they eventually become hardened in sin; their probation runs out and they have no more reason for life, for continued existence. The time comes when God must work His strange work, a work that God would rather not do; yet it is a work that He eventually must do, the work of executing the judgment. GOD EXECUTES THE JUDGMENT, BUT MEN MAKE THE DECISIONS AS TO WHO SHALL BE IN IT
In this life, we little realize how terribly wicked is wickedness. But when God has finally destroyed the wicked utterly in the fires of hell and they are totally consumed and gone forever, all the heavenly host will know that He did what was right and what needed to be done. Those pure beings will be thankful that it has been done. The benevolence and compassion of God in mercifully blotting the wicked from their miserable existence should lead all to admire and adore Him. Everything God does is right. If God omitted just one of His acts, great suffering would come to His creation as a result. Everything God does is right and everything God does is necessary. BY THEIR ACTIONS NOW, MEN ARE DECIDING FOR ETERNAL LIFE OR ETERNAL DEATH
Some try to use the above paragraph as proof that God does not kill. But, first, the above paragraph (from Christ's Object Lessons) must agree with all of the other inspired quotations. It cannot be made to reject a truth that literally thousands of other Bible-Spirit of Prophecy statements uphold. Second, the COL paragraph does not agree with the confused teaching of the "God never kills" error: The writings of those who teach this error claim: (1) God does not kill. (2) Man kills himself. (3) But, no, man does not kill himself; Satan will kill all men in the fires of hell. This strange error is not only inconsistent with the above paragraph, it is inconsistent with itself. Third, if taken literally, the COL paragraph does not say that Satan will kill them. But, if the whole paragraph is read, it does say that God will ultimately kill them. Fourth, the COL paragraph specifically teaches that the sinner alone is responsible for his death, simply because he is the one who chose sin and clung to it. God is not responsible for the decision of the sinner to cherish and cling to sin. However, God will execute the sentence upon the sinner who has chosen sin. All those concepts are in the above paragraph! Fifth, the COL paragraph, the complete paragraph does not agree with the "God does not kill" error as it is being taught. Let us view the actual wording of the above paragraph: The first two sentences are explained, in context, by those that follow. Man works his own destruction by his actions, by sowing sinful seeds. These, if not repented and turned from, bring an inevitable harvest. The harvest is death. This paragraph teaches that man is in charge of the seed-sowing and responsible for the harvest. The paragraph also teaches that, at the end, it is God who is in charge of the judgments. An illustration is given in the COL paragraph, to illustrate the meaning of the first two sentences in the paragraph. It is the experience of Pharaoh. He was fully responsible for the obstinacy and unbelief, and therefore for all that resulted from it. Yet it was God who, by a direct act, caused the devastation and death: the devastated land; the cold, dead form of his first-born; and the death of his warriors in the Red Sea. Read the Bible, Exodus 3 to 13. The magicians in Egypt calmed the fears of Pharaoh and helped him harden his heart. They did it by declaring that judgments do not come from Israel's God; He is not to be feared. The error they taught was "Israel's God does not exist, so no judgments will ever come from Him." The error being taught today is "Israel's God does exist, but no judgments will ever come from Him." "Peace and safety" is the message of the world today, and some in our midst. But it is the very opposite of the Third Angels Message! Protestants declare that, since there no longer is a Divine Law we are bound to obey, the judgment is past; it all fell on Christ. The "God will not kill anyone" theory teaches that God has no judgments at all. Before concluding this section, it should be noted that the magicians of Satan claimed that the judgments came by their own enchantments (thus, as a direct act of Satan), but we know that the judgments upon Egypt (the ten plagues) came as a direct act of God. Read Patriarchs and Prophets, 263-280, if you question this truth. MEN BRING THE PUNISHMENT UPON THEMSELVES
It is for this reason that some of the wicked will receive more punishment than others (EW 294, GC 554, 673) and Satan will receive the most (EW 294-295, GC 673). In this probationary life, sin is often punished with sin (PP 728); but the final punishment and destruction of the wicked is a definite act on the part of God Himself. It is Gods strange act (GC 627, PP 628, etc.). Men bring the punishment upon themselves by their consistent desire to remain in sin. THE EXAMPLE OF SODOM, ABOVE EVERY OTHER, The destruction of Sodom and the cities of the plain, by fire from heaven, is described in Genesis 18-19.
"And there came two angels to Sodom at even . . And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness . . Hast thou here any besides? Son-in-laws, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring
"The long-suffering of God is wonderful, because He puts constraint on His own attributes; but punishment is nonetheless certain" (read 2 SM 372-373 for the entire passage). What is this attribute? "With an antagonism to evil such as can exist only in a nature spotlessly pure" (Patriarchs and Prophets, 140). It is only by restraining Himself that God does not instantly destroy sin and those that cling to it. But He does so in order to work out the issues of the great controversy. The marvel is not that God will someday destroy the wicked; the marvel is His self-constraint in waiting so long to do it.
"The angels revealed to Lot the object of their
It was God (Christ) who gave the announcements of coming destruction to Abraham and to Lot; it was He who had planned the action and who carried it out.
In the above quotation, there is no doubt as where the fire came from. "The Lord rained brimstone and fire out of heaven upon the cities." And there is equally no doubt as to where the fire comes from that destroys the wicked at the close of the millennium. It also comes from God out of heaven. The fire that destroys the wicked does not come from men nor from Satan. Such talk is idle speculation!
The Flood and the destruction of the cities of the plain occurred fairly early in human history as a warning to all time to come, that those who persist in sin must face a similar holocaust before the end comes. No man should make a mockery of those solemn events by speculating that they were not judgments from God, when the Bible says they were.
" Escape for thy life, is the warning from the angels of God; but other voices are heard saying, Be not excited; there is no cause for alarm. The multitudes cry, Peace and safety, while Heaven declares that swift destruction is about to come upon the transgressor. On the night prior to their destruction, the cities of the plain rioted in pleasure and derided the fears and warnings of the messenger of God; but those scoffers perished in the flames; that very night the door of mercy was forever closed to the wicked, careless inhabitants of Sodom. God will not always be mocked; He will not long be trifled with. Behold the day of
God warns all the world today through the powerful message of three angels that His wrath is going to fall on all those who refuse to worship and obey Him. Who is that man who dares to tell the people that God is not going to manifest such wrath "because He is too kindly to punish the wicked"? THE JUDGMENTS OF GOD ARE ALREADY UPON THE EARTH
It is quite obvious that the great need of our time is to live right, to tell others the special truths for this time, and to warn them of the great crisis ahead and the judgments which are to fall on those who remain in their sins. And this is the message of the three angels (Rev 14:6-12). We are to be living it and sharing it every day. We are not to deny any part of it by our lives or by our teachings. Inspiration tells us that Gods judgments are now falling. But after probation closes they will increase on an immense scale and then culminate, in a massive degree, at Christ's return and again at the final destruction of the wicked after the millennium. GOD WILL SEND FIRES AND EARTHQUAKES AS JUDGMENTS
THE STORY OF A FRIEND My family once had a close friend that we prayed with and were trying to help. His name was Fred Nogle. He lived a couple miles from our home in southern Illinois in the early 1980s. Fred loved Gods Word and he daily read in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Desire of Ages had especially been a deep encouragement to him. He was also reading her other books. Generously, he would purchase boxfuls of Steps to Christ, Desire of Ages, and Great Controversy, and give them to colporteurs to distribute. Many times, he gave expensive, new Bibles to children, to help them in their walk with the Lord. Although Fred had made much progress in other lines, he had so far not been able to overcome the tobacco habit. For this reason, he had not yet been baptized. But, month by month, he was strengthening in his resolve. God was wonderfully blessing in his life and he was thankful for it; he had hoped that soon this last difficulty would be put away in the strength of Christ. Then, one day, someone shared with him a newsprint religious newspaper mailed out monthly by an independent Adventist publisher in Oregon. It told him that God does not punish sin, and he inferred from this that it did not really matter whether one sinned or not. Now a different kind of peace came into Fred's heart. No more need for an upward walk. No more need to overcome the tobacco habit. As he commented later, "If God doesn't punish sin, then He intends to take me to heaven anyway. Anybody can see that." The newspaper tabloid advertised cassettes, as well as a book, by Fred Wright. So he ordered the cassettes and several copies of the book. When they arrived, he listened to the cassettes and read the book and decided two things. And the very next day he stopped by and told me of his discovery and his two decisions. I will never forget his words: "Last week, I accepted the sacred name theory, and this week I've accepted the God does not kill theory. I know that neither one is in the Spirit of Prophecy, so I'm done with those books!" He was honest enough to openly admit that those theories were not in the Spirit of Prophecy. Fred handed me a copy of a book by Fred Wright. Opening it and noting the chapter titles, I turned to the chapter on the destruction of Sodom, and then to the chapter on the final destruction of the wicked. In the first of those two chapters (the one on Sodom), I found, not Scripture but, page after page of descriptions of various volcanoes that had occurred in different parts of the world, such as Vesuvius, Krakatoa, and Mt. Pelee. The chapter concluded with the thought that maybe, who knows, an accidental volcano is what destroyed Sodom, not an act of God. (Which would be very fortunate, since God through the angels had said that He would destroy the city; and since, according to the theory, He doesn't do such things, an accidental volcanic eruption just then would be a fine solution to a difficult problem.) In the three years that has elapsed since I was given that book, I have tried to locate data on volcanic activity in the Dead Sea area (where Sodom and the cities of the Plain were once located)but what I have discovered is that there have never been volcanoes in that area. An extinct volcano is relatively easy for geologists and volcanologists to identify. The other chapter in that book, the one that dealt with the topic of the final destruction of the wicked, turned out to be primarily a speculative exercise as to the possibility of the sun blowing up, conveniently, all by itself at just the right time the time that the great controversy is concluded; the wicked would die because of an accidental explosion of our sun, because God lacked the capacity to solve the problem Himself. Fred Nogle walked away and left Gods Word. He became a changed man. No longer did he buy Bibles or Spirit of Prophecy books. Instead, Fred sold his own in an auction sale and moved north to central Illinois. He became so vicious in his personal habits that, within a short time after talking with me, his wife and children left him. About six months later I was told that he went out in the garage one day, turned on the ignition in the car, and sat there till the carbon monoxide killed him. When Fred Nogle left Gods Word, he destroyed himself.
Through the mercy of God we may have forgiveness and a changed life. And thus His mercy may kiss His justice; for the changed life comes into harmony with His law. But there is another aspect to this. Through Calvary, mercy continues to be extended to the stubborn and rebellious. But Gods mercy does not blot out His justice. Those who persist in refusing to accept the preoffered mercy will experience His justice. They have refused harmony with His law; so they will have to contend with that which condemnation of their lives will someday bring. CHRIST SUFFERED THE SIN OF THE WORLD ON OUR BEHALF, AT THE HANDS OF A JUST GOD
"The sin of the world, with all its terribleness, was felt to the utmost by the Son of God. The displeasure of the Father for sin, and its penalty, which is death, were all that He could realize through this amazing darkness. He was tempted to fear that sin was so offensive in the sight of His Father that He could not be reconciled to His Son. The fierce temptation that His own Father had forever left Him caused that piercing cry from the cross: My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?
What took place at Calvary? Jesus experienced the wrath of God, which is His anger against sin. And it involves separation of God from the one identified with the sin. Jesus experienced all of this to the full. It is in Gods nature to be angry with sin. And those who stubbornly refuse to separate from it will have to experience that anger or wrath someday. It is not wrong for God to be angry with sin. It is not wrong for Him to punish those who have lived their days cherishing it and refusing to leave it. It is not wrong for God to someday kill in hellfire those who live to injure, hurt, and destroy. It is not wrong for Him to blot out of existence those who shall continue in these thoughts and actions as long as they have being. Christ experienced the wrath of God and His judgment against sin. Those who refuse to accept Christ will also experience Gods wrath and His judgments. Refusing repentance, acceptance and obedience, they have refused the Atonement. Only He who received the full wrath of God, in order to save us, will someday inflict it upon those who refuse the salvation which He now offers them. Question: Is it just and right to let Jesus execute the final judgment upon the wicked? Yes, it is fully just and right. Question: Would it be just and right for God to let Satan inflict the final judgment upon the wicked? No, it would not be just and right. Satan has not been appointed to do it (anywhere in Scripture). He is not qualified to do it. He would not, and could not, do it properly. Every sinner finally lost will suffer in the fire only a certain amount, exactly equivalent to his sinful life, and then will cease to exist. That is fair and right. But Satan would not do this. He would try to continue their suffering on and on, just as he did through the papists to the martyrs in the Dark Ages. The character of God would not be vindicated if He were to turn the final destruction of sinners over to Satan. To do so would be a blot on His justice and on His mercy. And if the "God does not kill" theory were correct, there would be no way that God could stop Satan from continuing on their misery for unending ages, because God would not step in and put a stop to it by destroying Satan! BECAUSE OF CALVARY, CHRIST HAS BEEN APPOINTED TO BE OUR JUDGE. HE WHO DIED TO SAVE US WILL BE THE ONE TO EXECUTE THE JUDGMENT.
"God designed that the Prince of sufferers in humanity should be judge of the whole world. He who came from the heavenly courts to save man from eternal death . . He who submitted to be arraigned before an earthly tribunal, and who suffered the ignominious death of the cross, He alone is to pronounce the sentence of reward or of punishment. He who submitted to the suffering and humiliation of the cross here, in the counsel of God is to have the fullest compensation, and ascend the throne acknowledged by all the heavenly universe as the King of saints. He has undertaken the work of salvation, and shown before the unfallen worlds and the heavenly family that the work He has begun He is able to complete . . "In the day of final punishment and reward, both saints and sinners will recognize in Him who was . . crucified the Judge of all living . . Solemn will be the day of final decision . . Probationary time is granted us, opportunities and privileges are given us, to make our calling and election sure. How we should prize this precious time, and improve every talent God has given, that we may be faithful stewards over ourselves."Review, November 22, 1898. "His [Christ's] object was to reconcile the prerogatives of Justice and Mercy, and let each stand separate in its dignity, yet united. His mercy was not weakness, but a terrible power to punish sin because it is sin, yet a power to draw to it the love of humanity. Through Christ, Justice is enabled to forgive without sacrificing one jot of its exalted holiness." 7 Bible Commentary, 935-936. This is one of the reasons that the great controversy has continued for so long a time to reveal to all intelligences that God is just in doing so when He finally destroys the wicked. THE WORKING OUT OF THE GREAT CONTROVERSY WILL REVEAL THAT GOD IS JUST IN DESTROYING THE WICKED
One of the objectives of the book, Great Controversy, is to clearly reveal why and how sin will finally be eliminated from the universe:
The book, Great Controversy, reveals that God has repeatedly shown mercy to sinners; but those who resolutely reject His forgiving and enabling grace shall burn in hellfire. And Jesus, who suffered and died for them on Calvary, is just and merciful to do this act and put them out of their otherwise endless misery of existence. Read Great Controversy, chapters 29, 33, and 42 for further details. |