AIDS still out of control


(see earlier article below)

Here is a brief overview of the massive problem found in one disease that sexual promiscuity has brought to mankind. The following excerpts are from Search for a Cure, in the February 2002 edition of National Geographic. Subheads are ours:


In high-risk groups, a predictable percentage from 1.5 to 6 a year, depending on sexual or drug habits would be expected to become infected with HIV over the course of a trial [with experimental protection drugs] . .

In two decades AIDS has killed more than 20 million people worldwide. As infection rates have soared, so has the annual death toll. The disease claimed three million, most in their prime, in the year 2000 alone. Children left as orphans and jobs left vacant are now crippling burdens in the countries with the largest losses.


HIV seems full of contradictions. It can overwhelm the human immune system, yet the virus itself is fragile. Cold viruses linger on hands, and sometimes for days on doorknobs; but fresh air dries and destabilizes HIV in hours or even minutes. Contact with rubbing alcohol or chlorinated water quickly renders it inactive. Simple bar soap neutralizes HIV by breaking the chemical bonds of its lipids, or fats . . Doctors conclude that the same antiviral compounds in saliva and stomach acids that protect us from a host of germs prove very effective against HIV in low concentrations.

Once a person is infected with HIV, however, the virus attacks the very immune cells, called T cells, meant to fight it.


During a period of typically eight to ten years HIV lurks in the body, mutating rapidly and thus avoiding recognition. It reproduces massively, and waits. Finally, at the introduction of a disease that an unimpaired immune system would normally control tuberculosis or pneumonia, for example the immune system is overcome by HIV so that it cannot fight, and the disease kills.


[A chart showed the known number of people with AIDS throughout the world, as of the year 2000. (Notice the astounding increase since 1990 figures, which are in italics!): North America: 920,000 (840,000) people / Caribbean: 390,000 (130,000) / South America: 1,400,000 (700,000) / Western Europe: 540,000 (415,000) / Middle East and North Africa: 400,000 (57,000) / Sub-Saharan Africa: 25,300,000 (7,000,000) / South and Southeast Asia: 5,800,000 (590,000) / Eastern Europe and Central Asia: 700,000 (5,000) / East Asia and the Pacific: 640,000 (4,000) / Australia and New Zealand: 15,000 (less than 500).

Nineteen ninety-six was the year the thunder came, Igor Ivanov said . . Ivanov, a doctor at the Kaliningrad Regional Infectional Hospital, was referring to the year HIV cut loose in Russia amid the chaos of a collapsing economy. Unemployment shot up, and with it alcoholism and crime. Drug deals began to create a heroin market in Russia. Through shared needles, HIV reached . .


If 1996 brought AIDS to Russia, the same year saw the advent in the West of protease inhibitors, drugs that suppress the ability of HIV to replicate.

But protease inhibitors, often combined with other HIV drugs such as AZT, are far from prevention or cure. Their effects lift the death sentence of an HIV infection only for a time. Furthermore, they cost as much as $15,000 a year, with huge drug-company profit margins, making them affordable in the U.S. and Europe but generally out of reach in developing nations.


While drug therapy results are promising, the use of protease inhibitors and other antivirals, such as AZT, can produce grave side effects that include nausea, bone loss, diabetes, liver damage, raised cholesterol levels, and depression. And doctors do not yet understand why HIV drugs rearrange fat in the body. The face becomes sunken and the limbs wizened while fat piles up elsewhere. To see the bulging belly and the humped back of a patient who has taken antivirals for several years only underscores the need to find another way to inhibit HIV   .  . [There are] 36 million incubators walking around with this virus, spreading it to other people. National Geographic, February 2002.


AIDS continues to be a terrible killer and it appears the medical establishment and the governments of the world cannot find a way to stop it.

We continually hear news about new attempts to combat AIDS. New drugs have been produced, and better treatments have been developed. But, in reality, medical science is getting nowhere in its attempts to stamp out AIDS.  At best, all they have done is slow down a little how fast some people die from the disease.

The world is not winning the war against AIDS.

According to a new report from the United Nations AIDS Office (UNAIDS), on a global basis a staggering 30 million people are now living with HIV. Nearly 6 million contracted the virus last year alone. That equals 16,000 people a day! 

Of course, these statistics are based on reported cases. Because 90 percent of all infected people live in the developing countries of Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, where even bandages are a luxury, few there will see a protease inhibitor, so lives can be lengthened by a few years.

Throughout the world, aside from the few who are either wealthy (or are able to drain government funds) to pay for special drugs, most of those who have HIV will die within a decade. By that time, they will have infected still more people.

Add to this the fact that most of those in third world nations do not know they are infected, and so continue to pass the virus on. Add to this the fact that many of those in Western nations do not careand continue to share HIV with others anyway.

But are not protease inhibitors a great new breakthrough? Not at all, for two reasons: 

(1) They cost massive amounts of money per year, and one must keep taking 15-20 pills a  day in order to prolong life awhile. (2) Those whose lives are prolonged still have AIDSand it is now known that they continue to transmit HIV to others, even when they themselves may not for a time show symptoms! So all the protease inhibitors accomplish, at great expense (over $30,000 a year per person!), is to lengthen peoples livesso they have more time to infect more people.

There is no good news about AIDS; and, in the providence of God, there never will be. In some nations, such as Zimbabwe and Botswana, one in four adults is already HIV-positive. We have already passed the point of no return on this rampant infection.

More than 30 million people are now infected with HIV. Here are some of the breakdowns: At the present time, the highest percentage of the population having it are nations in central and southern Africa. Nations which have it moderately are the United States, Central America, South America, Spain, Portugal, India, and southern Asia. All other nations have it in lesser ratios.

Now let us consider those nations where HIV is spreading the most rapidly: The worst are Venezuela, Peru, Nicaragua, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Turkey, India, southern Asia nations,  China, southern Africa. Where HIV is spreading at a somewhat slower pace (but still a lot): Columbia, Chile, Argentina, Guyana, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Portugal, France, Poland, Japan, central Africa. In all other nations, not listed above, HIV is spreading more slowly.

Here is the latest data on the primary methods by which HIV is being transmitted in five nations:

United States: Homosexual sex 52% / IV drug use 33% / Heterosexual sex 13% / Blood transfusion 2%.

Brazil: Homosexual 34% / Heterosexual 34% / IV drug use 25% / Blood transfusion 4% / Mother to child 4%.

Russia: Homosexual 64% / Heterosexual 32% / Blood transfusion 2% / Mother to child 2% / IV drug use 1%.

South Africa: Heterosexual 79% / Mother to child 13% / Homosexual 7% / Blood transfusion 1%.

China: IV drug use 59% / Blood transfusion 20% / Heterosexual 17% / Homosexual 5%.

The 12th International AIDS Conference was held in Geneva this summer (1998)and confirmed the most terrible news. The scientific community had been pinning its hopes on the development of vaccines  and drugs which could withstand the HIV virus.

First, they were told that the successful development of vaccines is years away. A key problem is that the mutation rate of certain factors in the virus are so rapid that scientists have not come across anything like it before.

It was also disclosed that, if a usable vaccine is ever found, it will either be safe enough that it will not protect many people or it will have be strong enough that it will cause infection in some!

Governments may have to decide whether flawed vaccines are better than no vaccines, and manufacturers will face ethical dilemmas about testing and marketing the products. Second, the scientists at the AIDS Conference were told that there is an ominous new, drug-resistant HIV strain spreading among the population.

This strain of HIV virus is resistant to protease inhibitors. San Francisco physicians reported that they had seen infections with this highly resistant virus. Another team, working in Switzerland, said they had seen several more. No one knows how these strains are spreading.

Viruses impervious to AZT and other, old AIDS medicines have long circulated. But now people are beginning to catch viruses which are resistant to protease inhibitors as well. As you may know, protease inhibitors have been the pivotal ingredients in combination drugs,  given to enable AIDS patients to live longer. One researcher complained that this development put AIDS research back into the early 1980s, when they had no therapy at all.

As so often happens with the antibiotics, the patients who developed special resistance were  those who were not taking the medications regularly, but only sporadically. They, in turn, transmitted the fully resistant virus to yet others. This special virus is resistant to four different protease inhibitors as well as the drugs AZT and 3TC.

The Swiss researchers reported that following the regimen means taking 15 to 20 pills a day on a precise schedule, and missing even a few doses allows mutant viruses resistant to protease inhibitors to emerge. Here are more facts about the AIDS epidemic:

 Physicians in the United States are seeing more women with HIV than ever before. In many AIDS clinics in San Francisco and New York City, women comprise 30% to 50% of all new patients! Approximately one-half were infected through heterosexual contacts. Some are highly educated; some are illiterate or nearly so.

 AIDS is now in every state in America. It is spreading unchecked among young people, regardless of where they live or their economic status.  States with the most AIDS patients and HIV-positive persons are California, New York, Texas, New Jersey, Florida, and Puerto Rico.

 Over half of teenagers who are tested for HIV never return to find out whether they have it. Either they do not care or are afraid to know.  The polio virus was treated with vaccines because it had no sugar in its outer coat. The same was true for flu. But HIV has sugar molecules on its surface.

 For this reason, both the body's defenses and the vaccines of the scientists cannot locate and eradicate it. The HIV virus is remarkably well-protected! Both the sugar and protein on its coat keeps changing. Even natural immune factors within the body  do not bother with HIV; for, when they find the sugar coating, they pass on assuming it is safe and belongs in the body.

 Delegates were told that health-care costs will soon exceed the ability of mankind to  deal with them. More and more people are contracting the disease, and the cost of treating just one person till his death is over $150,000!

Few governments or agencies really want to stop the spread of AIDS. If they did, they would trumpet the only effective way to do so. But this is not what the people want. They want to continue on in their sins. Retribution follows. Determining to remain in rebellion against the laws of Heaven, the world flouts obedience to the ten commandments. Great misery follows, as it always will. AIDS will soon become the greatest epidemic in the history of mankind, a powerful evidence that Christ's coming is near.