ORGANIZATION or ORGANISMChapter Five - A Sermons and Discussions in Which E. G. White Took Part at the General Conference (1901) "Kingly Power" by E.G. White (Verbatim report of remarks by Mrs. E. G. White, at a meeting held in Battle Creek College Library, at the General Conference of 1901) I would prefer not to speak today, but still not because I have nothing to say, because I have; I have something to say. And the state of things as has existed in our conference and the leading responsibilities are not nearly understood in their influence by themselves or by those that are taking responsibilities in the work. The work has been increasing; it has been growing; and from the light that I have had for some time, and has been expressed, over and over again, not to all there are here, but has been expressed to individuals, and the plans that God would have all to work from, that never should one mind or two minds or three minds nor four minds, or a few minds I should say, be considered of sufficient wisdom and power to control and mark out plans and let it rest upon the minds of one or two or three in regard to this broad, broad field that we have; that we are not coming up to reach that high standard with the great and important truths that we are handling, that God expects us to reach. There are minds which must be brought into altogether more lively action than they are at the present time. And in reference to our conference, it is repeated over and over and over again, that it is the voice of God, and therefore everything must be referred to the Conference and have the conference voice in regard to permission or restriction or what shall be what shall not be done in the various fields. Now from the light that I have, as it was presented to me in figures: There was a narrow compass here; there within that narrow compass... is a king-like, kingly ruling power. Here the outlets are blocked. And the work all over our field demands an entirely different course of action than we have had. We have heard enough, abundance, about that "everything must go around in the regular way." When we see the regular lines are altered and purified and refined, and the God of the heavens mold is upon the regular lines, then it is our business to establish regular lines. But when we see message after message that God has given has been accepted, but no change, just the same as it was before, then it is evident that new blood must be brought into the regular lines. The leaders of the regular lines, they must have an entire change, an entire new organization, and to have a committee that shall take in not merely half a dozen, that is to be a ruling and controlling power, but it is to have representatives of those that are placed in responsibility in our educational interests, in our Sanitariums, that are working, and the life in them, constantly at work, constantly adding, constantly giving to the field the talent that has come from it. And then the comparison that has been presented to me, where the fields are that have been opened; Where are the fields that have been opened here, the new fields in America? Where is California? Where is it here at the great heart of the work? And here are the two great centers-where is the wrestling to get new fields, whether it costs or whether it does not cost, whatever way it shall be? God has His treasures that He had given to the work. He has His treasures in the hills; He has His treasures in every place and in every country, and in all these countries, far and near, He wants to be an arousing, broadening, enlarging power. And a management which is getting confused in itself, not that anyone is wrong or means to be wrong, but the principle is wrong, and the principles have become so mixed and so fallen from what God's principles are, and the message has been coming constantly in regard to the principles, sacred, holy, elevating, ennobling, in every institution, in the publishing houses, and in all the interests of the denomination, everything that concerns the handling of the work, it requires minds that are worked by the Holy Spirit of God; and unless that evidence is given, unless there is a power that shows that they are accepted by God to impart to the responsibilities that have to be handled, then there should be a renovation without any delay. To have this conference pass on and close up as the conferences have done, with the same manipulating, with the very same tone, and the same order,-God forbid! (Voices, "Amen") God forbid, brethren. (Voices, "Amen"). He wants every living soul that has a knowledge of the truth to come to their senses. He wants every living power to arouse; and we are just about the same thing as dead men. And it is time that we should arise and shine because our light has come.... How God is in earnest with us, and He says He calls,--oh, I cannot tell how it is. It is contemptible in the sight of God-contemptible. They pause for fear they are not going to get all that they ought to have, and it leaves a man where he cannot-if he considers that as the principles of heaven, why, it leaves the man where he will never get to heaven. He cannot get in there. The nobility, the generosity, the tenderness, the compassion, the love of Christwhy, they are as destitute of it as the hills of Gilboa, that had not dew nor rain just as destitute of it, and we cannot rouse them from it. Enough has been said, over and over and over again, but it did not make any difference. The light shone upon them, just the same, professedly accepting it, but they did not make any change. That is what frightens me. It frightens me because I saw that unless there was more tenderness, more compassion, more of the love of Godthe Lord knew what He was talking about when He was talking to the church at Ephesus, "Ye have lost your first love," and tells them to repent speedily or He will remove the candlestick out of its place. What we want is to study all through John and see what is said about the love of God and the love that we should express, and that love has not been cultivated, and if it is not being cultivated the opposite attribute is being cultivated. Now it has not been cultivated in our institutions of publication, and when by every little sharpness that can be exercised by them, by which they think that they are going to gain a little something, they lose four-fold, yes, ten-fold in that little transaction, until the light will soon be moved out of its place. They don't know when it is for the interests of the institution, but God knoweth. Every one God knoweth, and should come right up to the help of the Lord, and to have a new creation of sentiment. Now God never will acquit us until that is there, until this is taught in our institutions, every one of them God means what He says, "I want a change here." Will it be the same thing, going over and over the same ideas, the same committees-and here is the little throne: the king is in there, and these others are all secondary, those minds that are so much sharper because they have not been working on this narrow, conceited plane. I feel intensely in this matter. I do not want to talk here but I dare not hold my peace. I feel this condition. I think we should hold for the tenderness of God and break your hearts before Him, and if you get where you can see these things clearly, you will see that God hates selfishness, and when we bring it into His cause, oh, it makes the crime a hundred fold greater. And when we bring that selfishness in, as though we were going to benefit the cause, we do not benefit it at all, it makes God ashamed of you. We are to be representatives of Jesus Christ; we are to be representatives of His character. We are so to do that we are carrying out the living principles in every line of action everywhere, in every country, everywhere, and in every place that there is anything to do with God's service. He will not accept common fire. He wants you to take sacred fire that He kindles on the divine altar, and He wants you to work, and that fire to consume all your commonness, all your intemperance, all your selfishness, all your cheap ideas, all your licentiousness, all this lust. He wants it taken away from a people that are trying to fashion a people to stand in the last great conflict, which is just before us. Self must be hid in God, and when self is hid in God, then will the Lord God appear, and not self. He will appear as the great Worker, and when you think to improve upon God's plans by your narrowness, by your conceited ideas, and by your planning and grasping and thinking you are going to gain something,-and if you have not learned better than that now, you will have to learn. God wants that these committees that have been handling things for so long should be relieved of their command and have a chance for their life, and see if they cannot get out of this rut that they are in,- which I have no hope of their getting out of, because the Spirit of God has been working, and working, and yet the king is still there. Now the Lord wants His Spirit to come in. He wants the Holy Ghost king. He wants everything of the sharpness, that it shall not be exercised toward outsiders, it shall not be exercised toward one that is trying to serve God and trying to exercise all his power to serve Him, that is bringing his tithes here to sustain the ministry. He has a treasury, and that treasury is to be sustained by the tithe, and that tithe is to be a sacred tithe, and it is to be God's tithe, and that tithe is to be so liberal that it will sustain the work largely; each one to act in their capacity in such a way that the confidence of the whole people will be established in them, and that they will not be afraid, but see everything just as light as day until they are in connection with the work of God and the people. I know my husband used to work in that way. He would sit down with this man that he thought had good judgment, and with that man, and with the other man, and with another man that was when the cause was young. He did not feel that he was capable of carrying the conference when it was very young. But he had these men, these committees, that were brought in from places all around. It was not just in Battle Creek, but it was in different places, that those that felt a responsibility for the work would go home and feel a larger responsibility for the work. To carry it on in right lines, in heaven's lines, in purity, in holiness, in uplifting, in solidity, to the glory of God, should be that which would make every one of us to be joyful and proud that God has given us the privilege to be co-workers with Jesus Christ. Now there is all that power that was pledged to us when we pledged ourselves to God. That power that all the provision was made in heaven, all the facilities, all the riches of the grace of God was to be imparted to every worker that was connected with the cause; and every one of these are wholly dependent upon God, and when we leave God out of the question, and leave Jesus Christ out of the question, and allow hereditary and cultivated traits of character to come, let me tell you, we are on very slippery grounds. We are making, not straight paths for our feet, but crooked paths that the lame shall be turned out of the way-and we cannot afford it. It has cost too much to heaven to give us Jesus; it has cost too much to heaven for Christ to lay aside His royal robe, to lay aside His royal crown, and to step down from His high command, the Prince of Life and Glory, in order that He might make Himself in humanity, and in order that He might the better combine the human with the divine, as the stepping-stone for man to step on. It was not humanity, but humanity and divinity combined, and that man could step on that steppingstone, and that He would be on vantage ground with God, because of the perfume-because of the holy sanctified character of God imbues the life of every soul that eats of the Bread of Life and drinks of the water of salvation. And every one that eats of Christ, that takes His word and practices it, should have eternal life. It is in Him, because it is in Christ, and Christ is in Him. Now here is the way the matter is presented. But when there is a, "I don't care; I am going right contrary to the law that God has given in His Word, I don't ask Him to take my word, I don't ask Him to do it." Lay Sister White right to one side: lay her to one side. Don't you never quote my words again as long as you live, until you can obey the Bible. When you take the Bible and make that your food, and your meat, and your drink, and make that the elements of your character, when you can do that you will know better how to receive some counsel from God. But here is the Word, the precious Word, exalted before you today. And don't you give a rap any more what "Sister White said this" and "Sister White said that," and "Sister White said the other thing." But say, "Thus saith the Lord God of Israel," and then you do just what the Lord God of Israel does, and what He says. Christ says, "I do the works of my Father. The works that I saw Him do, I do." Now the works and the sentiments and the principles that we have seen, that God has manifest in dealing with one another, the purchase of the blood of Christ-only think of it. Here we are, the purchase of the blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. You just think of it. It cost His life. He was crucified for us, and yet here is the very instrumentality that God would have stand next to heaven, that God would have stand where the light of His glory can shine upon them in unmistakable rays, and they know that the light of heaven is with them. It is no emotion, but it is a living faith that is founded on a living Word and a living God, and the Saviour, who proclaimed over the sepulcher of Joseph. "I am the resurrection and the life." John 11:25. He wants you to eat His principles; to live His principles; but those that are there now never will appreciate it. They have had their test, they have had their trial, they have had their warnings, and now there must be a change. Give them an opportunity to go out and see what it means to wrestle in the grace of God as some of His workmen have. Let them see what it means to build up. Let them go into the waste places of earth; let them begin to see what it means to establish things out of nothing. When they do this, they will understand that God hath His servants, His church, established in the earth, composed of many members, but of one body; that in every part of the work one part must work as connected with another part, and that with another part, and with another part, and these are joined together by the golden links of heaven, and there is to be no kings here in their midst at all. There is to be no man that has the right to put his hand out and say, No, you cannot go there; we won't support you if you go there. Why, what have you to do with supporting? Did they create the means? The means come from the people, and those who are destitute fields. The voice of God has told me to instruct them to go to the people and to tell them their necessities, and to draw all the people to work just where they can find a place to work, to build up the work in every place they can. There is a work to be done. And we want to know if you have been doing the work, with your committees. Here are the committees: where are the monuments? As we look over the cities, where are the monuments? Where, I ask you, are the churches that are left to glorify God. There are the workers. I thank God that there is a work going on, and I obtain that education in connection with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, God will call for you. God has a place for you. And those that are laboring for the youth in any line in our schools, in the sanitariums, and wherever they are to work, don't you put one stone in their way! The Lord has revealed that He will work with those who work. (Spalding and Magan's Unpublished Manuscript Testimonies, 162-168) Chapter Five - B "The Kingdom of God Within." by E. G. White This is the kingdom of God within you. Day by day men are revealing whether the kingdom of God is within them. If Christ rules in their hearts, they are gaining strength of principle, power, ability to stand as faithful sentinels, true reformers; for there can be no reform unless there is a thorough co-operation with Jesus Christ. Through the grace of Christ, men are to use their God-given faculties to reform themselves; by this self-denying action, which the Lord of heaven looks upon with approval, they gain victories over their own hereditary and cultivated tendencies. Then like Daniel they make impressions upon other hearts that will never be effaced. The influence will be carried to all parts of the world. Men are taking sides, according to their choice. Those that are feeding on the word of God will show this by their practise; they are on the Lord's side, seeking by precept and example to reform the world. All that have refused to be taught of God, hold the traditions of men. They at last pass over on the side of the enemy, against God, and are written, "antichrist" The people of God, who understand our position in this world's history, are, with ears open and hearts softened and subdued, pressing together in unity-one with Jesus Christ. Those who will not practise the lessons of Christ, but keep themselves in hand to mold themselves, find in antichrist the center of their union. While the two parties stand in collision, the Lord will appear, and shine before His ancients gloriously. He will set up a kingdom that shall stand forever. (Special Testimonies, Series A, No. 9; p.318) Chapter Five - C "General Conference Bulletin" Discussions in which E.G. White took part. The Chair. The Conference is now formally opened. What is your pleasure? At this juncture Sister E. G. White, who was present, came forward, and spoke as follows: I feel a special interest in the movements and decisions that shall be made at this Conference regarding the things that should have been done years ago, and especially ten years ago, when we were assembled in Conference, and the Spirit and power of God came into our meeting, testifying that God was ready to work for this people if they would come into working order. The brethren assented to the light God had given, but there were those connected with our institutions, especially with the Review and Herald Office and the Conference, who brought in elements of unbelief, so that the light that was given was not acted upon. It was assented to, but no special change was made to bring about such a condition of things that the power of God could be revealed among His people. The light then given me was that this people should stand higher than any other people on the face of the whole earth, that they should be a loyal people, a people who would rightly represent truth. The sanctifying power of the truth, revealed in their lives, was to distinguish them from the world. They were to stand in moral dignity, having such a close connection with heaven that the Lord God of Israel could give them a place in the earth. Year after year the same acknowledgment was made, but the principles which exalt a people were not woven into the work. God gave them clear light as to what they should do, and what they should not do, but they departed from that light, and it is a marvel to me that we stand in as much prosperity as we do to-day. It is because of the great mercy of our God, not because of our righteousness, but that His name should not be dishonored in the world. In the thirty-first chapter of Exodus God says: "Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it [is] a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that [ye] may know that I [am] the LORD that doth sanctify you." Exodus 31:13. It is not for men in any part of the world, in any line of His work, to depart from God's principles in any business transaction. God wants the world to see that business can be carried on in accordance with the principles that mark the character of God in Christ. What are God's commandments?-They are the wall which is built round His people. There is to be no departure from His principles, no bringing in of worldly policy principles. No worldly customs or practices are to be brought in for this people who are to be representatives of Christ to follow. When we keep the commandments of God, we are in touch with God, and He is connected with us. We read in the first chapter of first Peter: "Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied. Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you." I Peter 1:1-4. To gain this inheritance, you must be incorruptible and undefiled. You are not to be perverted in any way from the straight lines which God has laid down. "Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time." I Peter 1:5. We are living in the last time. We are standing as it were on the very borders of the final conflict. "Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ." I Peter 1:6-7. Think of this, brethren. Consider it. There are thoughtful men here, and they need to think. "Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see [him] not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory." I Peter 1:8. This is the standard that God wants us to reach. "Receiving the end of your faith, [even] the salvation of [your] souls. Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace [that should come] unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into." I Peter 1:9-12. Every soul in every Conference, in every part of the Lord's vineyard, has the privilege of knowing the truth. But truth is not truth to those who do not practice it. Truth is only truth to you when you live it in the daily life, showing the world what those people must be who are at last saved. "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance." I Peter 1:13-14. Why, I ask you, are men who have not brought self into subjection allowed to stand in important positions of truth and handle sacred things? They have grown to the stature of men, but they have brought with them their childish tendencies. God does not want any such thing. He has made provision for all to have in them the grace of Christ. No others will enter heaven. There has been one rebellion there, and there will not be another. We have been given an opportunity to get rid of every kind of rebellion. "As he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation." 1 Peter 1:15. When you leave this meeting and go to your homes, be quick to hear and slow to speak. Keep yourselves under subjection to the Spirit of God. At the last Conference which I attended here, there was gossiping and controversy in every house. If the people had prayed instead of gossiping, if they had talked with God, the condition of things would have been very different. Many of you have been educating yourselves to talk with human beings instead of talking with God. You have built up barriers against the principles which should have been carried into every part of the Lord's vineyard. Slow to speak, slow to wrath. It only takes a word to fire up a man who has not made a practice of talking with God. This spirit is as contagious as the leprosy. One and another catch it, and thus dissension and strife and commotion are brought in. God is not in any of this work. Brethren, before we have finished, we shall know whether or not God is handling this Conference. "But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning [here] in fear." I Peter 1:15-17. You may be exalted to heaven as far as position is concerned, but position does not make the man. Do you obey the commandments of God? Are you one with God? Are you sanctified by the Spirit of God? Those who fill positions in the Conference must have the righteousness of Christ. This gives a man a power in his work "And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning [here] in fear." I Peter 1:17. Do not exalt self. Christ has said, "Come unto me, all Lye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke [is] easy, and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30. "Pass the time of your sojourning [here] in fear: Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, [as] silver and gold." I Peter 1:17-18. If you depart from the principles that are to live through the eternal ages, and bring common things into God's service, he will scatter your work to the four winds. "Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, [as] silver and gold, from your vain conversation [received] by tradition from your fathers." I Peter 1:18. There are those here that have traditions, and they stand just as the Pharisees stood. Notwithstanding they may say that unity and love, compassion and tenderness are correct principles, yet in their own line of practice they cling to the old traditions. "You are to stand by the old traditions," they say. But what we want is God's traditions. We want to have the living principles of heaven brought into our lives. You are redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, the Lamb without blemish and without spot. And what were you redeemed from? Let me read it again. "Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, [as] silver and gold, from your vain conversation [received] by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God. Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth"-it means everything whether you are bound up with God by the truth, or whether you are not. "Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, [see that ye] love one another with a pure heart fervently." I Peter 1:18-22. Think of this. "Being born again." You see, if we do these things, we are born of the Spirit. "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever." I Peter 1:23. We want you to do all these things. Here are men, sober and right-minded men, who are occupying influential positions on committees, and are handling sacred things, things connected with the service of God. These individuals have been called to bear responsibilities, to carry an influence in the work of God, and the work has been increasing, and ought to increase to fourfold of what it is. Some of those engaged in the work have their intelligence sanctified, and others are unsanctified, but everything will be revealed; for "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." Matthew 7:20. Now, whatever the work done by men in responsible positions, its character will be testified to by its fruits. In the office of publication, the light that God has given me for years is that those in positions of responsibility there are to gather in the youth, to talk to them, to train them for the Lord's service. Do not indulge a spirit of combativeness. Keep the unsanctified tongues under control. Do not blame and censure. Act just as you would want the overseers to act toward you were you in the position of these young people. God wants every individual in His service to represent Him. The men who have woven their own human passions into life and character, who have nurtured self all the way along, are not to think that they are qualified to deal with human minds. God wants every person to begin at home, and there live the Christ-life. In the church and in every business transaction a man will be just what he is in his home. If he submits to the Holy Spirit's guidance in the home, if he understands his responsibility to deal with minds there, then when in responsible positions he will pursue the same course. Remembering the tenderness of Christ toward him, he will manifest the same love and tenderness toward others. All who are educated in the office of publication should see there exemplified the principles of heaven. I would rather lay a child of mine in his grave than have him go there to see these principles mangled and perverted. The principles of heaven are to be carried out in every family, in the discipline of every church, in every establishment, in every institution, in every school, and in everything that shall be managed. You have no right to manage, unless you manage in God's order. Are you under the control of God? Do you see your responsibility to Him? If you do realize this responsibility, you will realize that you are to mold and fashion minds after the divine similitude: and then those in the different institutions here, who are being trained and educated to become workers, will work for God, to hold up the standard of righteousness. 0, my very soul is drawn out in these things! Men who have not learned to submit themselves to the control and discipline of God, are not competent to train the youth, to deal with human minds. It is just as much an impossibility for them to do this work as it would be for them to make a world. That these men should stand in a sacred place, to be as the voice of God to the people, as we once believed the General Conference to be,-that is past. What we want now is a reorganization. We want to begin at the foundation, and to build upon a different principle. The institution under the management of Dr. Kellogg has done a great work for the education of the youth. It has sent forth more workers in the cause in medical missionary gospel lines than any other agency I know of among our people throughout the world. And I ask, How have you treated the matter? Have you felt that you were to honor God by respecting and honoring the work that has been done in His name for the upbuilding of His cause? The principles of health reform have been proclaimed by us as a people for thirty years. And yet there are among us ministers of the gospel and members of the church who have no respect for the light that God has given upon health reform. They eat as they please, and work as they please. God calls for a straight testimony to be given to those who claim to believe that we are living in the last days of this earth's history. A line of distinction must be drawn between those who serve God, and those who serve Him not. God calls upon His people to put away self-pleasing. When in body, soul, and spirit they will dedicate themselves to God, His power will be revealed in a remarkable manner. Here are men who are standing at the head of our various institutions, of the educational interests, and of the Conferences in different localities and in different States. All these are to stand as representative men, to have a voice in molding and fashioning the plans that shall be carried out. There are to be more than one or two or three men to consider the whole vast field. The work is great, and there is no one human mind that can plan for the work which needs to be done. There are those who always take a negative position. This counts nothing toward building up the work. What has been done here in Michigan? What has been done in America, in the fields that have needed laborers and efficient helpers? I ask you what field where the people have never heard the truth, has been searched out and worked? Who has been preparing men to take hold of the field? And yet upon us rests the responsibility of fulfilling Christ's command, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15. After Christ's baptism He preached the gospel to the cities that were round about. He was working and healing the medical missionary work was bound up with the preaching of the gospel. I am so thankful for the medical missionary work, carried in gospel lines. It is to be taught, it is to be carried forward; for it is the very work that Christ did when on this earth. he was the greatest missionary the world ever saw. You may say: "Why not, then, take hold of the work, and heal the sick as Christ did?"I answer, You are not ready. Some have believed; some have been healed; but there are many who make themselves sick by intemperate eating or by indulging in other wrong habits. When they get sihapfor them to be raised up, that they may carry on the very same work again? There must be a reformation throughout our ranks; the people must reach a higher standard before we can expect the power of God to be manifested in a marked manner for the healing of the sick. We talk of the Holy Ghost; we preach of the Holy Ghost; but we need to understand better what the office of the Holy Ghost is. We need to understand that we must co-operate with God in every sense or God cannot co-operate with us. "We are labourers together with God." I Corinthians 3:9. According to the light that has been given me-and just how it is to be accomplished I cannot say-greater strength must be brought into the managing force of the Conference. But this will not be done by intrusting responsibilities to men who have had light poured upon them year after year for the last ten or fifteen years, and yet have not heeded the light that God has given them. The Word of God is to be our guide. Have you given heed to the Word? The Testimonies are not by any means to take the place of the Word. They are to bring you to that neglected Word, that you may eat the words of Christ, that you may feed upon them, that by living faith you may be built up from that upon which you feed. If you live in obedience to Christ and His word, you are eating the leaves of the tree of life, which are for the healing of the nations. Here are the very words that we want to bring into our life practice. The men that have long stood in positions of trust while disregarding the light that God has given, are not to be depended upon. God wants them to be removed. He wants a new life element brought into the publishing institutions. There are those who have stood as managers and yet have not managed after God's order. Some have served on committees here and committees there, and have felt free to dictate just what the committee should say and do, claiming that those who did not carry out these ideas were sinning against Christ. When the power of God is manifest in the church and in the management of the various departments of His work, when it is evident that the mangers are themselves controlled by the Holy Spirit of God, then it is time to consider that you are safe in accepting what they may say, under God. But you must know that you are guided by the principles of the Word of the living God. The Great General of armies, the Captain of the Lord's host, is our leader. The children of Israel thought that if they should have a king and be like the other nations, they would be a wonderful people. God directed His servant Samuel to tell them what would be the result if their desire were granted. He told them what kings would do. Nevertheless, they said, we will have a king to reign over us. They had a king, and to their sorrow they learned of little avail was an earthly ruler when God went not forth with their armies. Now I want to say, God has not put any kingly power in our ranks to control this or that branch of the work. The work has been greatly restricted by the efforts to control it in every line. Here is a vineyard presenting its barren places that have received no labor. And if one should start out to till these places in the name of the Lord, unless he should get the permission of the men in a little circle of authority he would receive no help. But God means that His workers shall have help. If a hundred should start out on a mission to these destitute fields, crying unto God, He would open the way before them. Let me tell you, if your heart is in the work, and you have faith in God, you need not depend upon the sanction of any minister or any people; if you go right to work in the name of the Lord, in a humble way doing what you can to teach the truth, God will vindicate you. If the work had not been so restricted by an impediment here, and an impediment there, and on the other side an impediment, it would have gone forward in its majesty. It would have gone in weakness at first, but the God of heaven lives; the great Overseer lives, the One who knew where Cornelius lived, and who appeared to him as an angel, and declared unto him, Your prayers and your alms have come up as a memorial before God. And now do you send men for one Simon, whose surname is Peter, who lives with one Simon a tanner. And he told him the very place where Simon the tanner lived. Then the angel of the Lord went to Peter, and prepared his mind for the reception of the men. Our God knew about the Ethiopian who was in his chariot studying the prophecy of Isaiah concerning Christ, and He sent Philip to meet that Ethiopian, and the Ethiopian asked him to come and sit in his chariot, and there Philip proclaimed the truth to him more fully. And he said, Here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? And he was led down and baptized? And he believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord enters into every house, into every office, into every room, where His work is done. Angels of God are passing and repassing through these offices, and there is a record kept of everything that is done in these places. By this record the workers are to be judged. "For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." Matthew 12:37. Every word and action. God is watching, and every one will be rewarded according as his works have been. The time has come when this people are to be born again. Those that have never been born again, and those that have forgotten that they were purged from their old sins, and cannot see afar off, and have practiced their old habits of talking, prejudicing others, hindering the work, and being generally in the way of its advancement, would better be converted. God wants you to be converted, and may He help, that this work may go forward. He is a power for His people when they come into order. There must be a renovation, a reorganization: a power and strength must be brought into the committees that are necessary. Let every one of you go home, not to chat, chat, chat but to pray. Go home and pray. Talk with God. Go home and plead with God to mold and fashion you after the divine similitude. Let us right here at this meeting see that the converting power of God is essential. If we will take hold of the Master, take hold of all the power He has given us, the salvation of God will be revealed. Let me tell you that the sick will be healed when you have faith to come to God in the right way. We thank God that we have the medical missionary work. Wherever we carry the gospel, we can teach the people how to take care of themselves. This is our pioneer work The medical missionary work gives us access to places where otherwise we could not enter, where the people would not give us a hearing. We have been in the field. We have been over the ground. We know what this means. There are places in the South to be worked. God will help us all to act our part if we will only have the spirit of self-denial and self-sacrifice. In the name of the Lord we call for men to build up and strengthen this work; but they themselves need to be built up in the most holy faith, that they may work in the different Conferences. That there may be a healthy, holy influence circulating through each Conference, and that there shall be a supply in any case where God calls for men to enter missionary fields. There is a great work to be done, and my heart is panting and longing for the salvation of souls. God wants us to love one another. He says, "By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13:35. "As I have loved you, that ye also love one another." John 13:34. This is the new commandment. It was new because Christ had not, before it was spoken, given the evidence of how much He loves us. "As I have loved you."-that makes it a new commandment. He wants you to consider His love, manifested in dying for our sinful race: and consider what you can do in order to extend the knowledge of that love. Every believer in the truth has a relation to another soul and that soul to still another, and through these lines of influence we may extend the blessings of God's grace. Thus we may diffuse heaven's atmosphere in place of the malarious atmosphere which has surrounded so many souls; and by means of which God's work has been hindered and His name dishonored. Brethren remember that you are dealing with sacred things. Again I urge you to go home and pray. I have many things as they were written out in my diary ten years ago; I shall have these things copied that I may read them to you. I shall read you what God expects of His people, who believe the grandest truth ever given to our world. We have a whole treasure house of truth, and if you will become familiar with the truth while here, you can bring from the treasure house things new and old, and you will be able to help the people wherever you may go. In this city there are many in the school, many in the publishing house, and many training for the medical missionary work And on every hand there is work to be done. There is work in the regions right around us, and a wide field for work in the regions beyond. God help us to stand prepared for the battle; having on the whole armor, and our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. That is what you need. Be at peace among yourselves. When you do that, you are educating character. You are forming characters for the future, immortal life. I want to have a home with the blessed, and I want you to have a home there. I want to work in harmony with you, and I want that every one who has an impetuous temper, that will flare up and lead him to act like a frantic man-I want him, as he begins to speak in this way, to remember Christ, and sit right down and hold his peace. Say not a word. God help us restrain our tongues. The voice is a precious talent, and it is to be used to a purpose. It is not lent to you that you many swear; but every one who gives way to an unholy temper might just as well swear. God help us to submit to Jesus Christ, and to have His power right here and now. G. A. Irwin: These are certainly very plain words that we have listened to, and it seems to me they come in very timely, right at the commencement of our Conference. We notice the burden of the testimony was reorganization. This must first begin with us as individuals, and I trust that it may begin in each heart. I, for one, want to accept the testimony that has been borne, and I want that work of reorganization and regeneration to be not only begun, but completed, in my life. I am glad that these words were spoken right now, at the very commencement of our General Conference. I take it that the reorganization means a change in our method of procedure, in the General Conference; and now, as we are just ready to organize the delegation that has been called, it seems to me it is an opportune time to begin the work of reorganization. I an sure we all want the Lord to lead in this Conference; and if there is any method that we have been working along that has bound the Spirit of the Lord,-and surely, if I can understand the meaning of what has been said, we have been bound about by regulations and restrictions,-now is the time to break loose from these things, and to make a new start. So again I ask, What is the pleasure of the Conference at this time? A. G. Daniells: A number of the brethren who have been in the city met yesterday in an informal way to consider the matters that have been placed before us to-day. Sister White was present, and spoke very plainly to us. The members of the General Conference Committee, the Foreign Mission Board, the different institutions, and presidents of Conferences, were present at the meeting. We received substantially the same instruction that has been given us to-day. We all feel that our only safety lies in obedience, in following our great Leader. We feel that we should begin at the very beginning of this work at this meeting and just as nearly as we know how, build on His foundation. After the instruction had been given to us, the matter was considered, and it was thought by many present that a change of Conference management should be introduced at the beginning of the Conference. I may say that I was acting as chairman of the meeting, and so, in behalf of the meeting, I am presenting the conclusions that we reached. In behalf of the meeting that I have referred to, I wish to introduce the following motion: "I move that the usual rules and precedents for arranging and transacting the business of the Conference be suspended, and that a General Committee be hereby appointed, to consist of the following persons: The presidents and secretaries of the General Conference, of the General Conference Association, of the European and Australasian Union Conferences: of the Review and Herald, Pacific Press, and Echo Publishing Companies; of the Foreign Mission Board, Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association; of Battle Creek, Healdsburg, and Union colleges: and the following named persons: J. N. Loughborough, S. N. Haskell, A. T. Jones, W. W. Prescott, and such other persons as may be necessary to represent the important enterprises and interests connected with the work of the Seventh-Day-Adventists throughout the world, the same to be named by the committee when organized, and this committee to constitute a general or central committee, which shall do such work as necessarily must be done in forwarding the work of the Conference, and preparing the business to bring before the delegates." In the instruction given us this morning, committees were referred to, and we were told that these should be constructed of men who represent the varied interests throughout the great, wide world; that they should come together, and carefully counsel regarding the matters to come before the Conference, and the methods of work that are to be carried forward. The committee named here aims to embrace these organizations and institutions, and fields in all parts of the world. I sincerely trust that God will give us wisdom and understanding and light from heaven to carry forward this work. I believe--I know--that victory is for us, and I believe that God has begun to work out that victory. And if we will throw away our preconceived opinions, and will step out boldly to follow the light that He gives us, whether we can see clear through to the end or not,-if we walk in the light we have, go just as far as we can to-day, God will give us further light; He will bring us out of bondage into glorious liberty. He will not lead us into confusion, brethren. He will lead us into order, and the right kind of order,-order that He Himself establishes, and order that will in no way circumscribe or hinder His work, but will carry it forward with power and great rapidity. Now our people all over the world have their eyes turned to this occasion to-day. Hundreds of prayers are going up in behalf of this meeting. They have been ascending, and God has begun to answer already; and, brethren, let not one of us stand in the way of God's working out a complete deliverance, and bringing entire victory. 0, I am so glad we have a definite, certain voice to speak to us: and I am so glad that all through this meeting we can receive instruction and help. It seems to me that now is the time, brethren, to take hold of this matter of reorganization, and throw aside precedents, tradition, and everything that has so bound us, so we may get hold of the right thing. May God help us for His own name's sake. (General Conference Bulletin 1901, pp. 23-27.) "General Conference Bulletin" - Discussions in which
E. G. S. N. Haskell: There is something in the thought of persons setting up housekeeping for themselves. They work a great deal harder. I remember when the New England Conference was organized. It had always been a burden to the General Conference. The Conference had sent laborers there, and received but little returns from the tithe. And they went to organize it into a Conference with the understanding that the General Conference would still help. Well, the New England Conference was organized. The General Conference sent down laborers, but the New England Conference proposed to pay those laborers; they also paid their tithe, and their proportion for the Battle Creek College and other institutions. There was an inspiration on their part to do it; and as they were an independent Conference, they thought they ought to do it If it is necessary to help this new Conference, do so; but they have asked very little in proportion to what they have received, and it seems to me we ought to do that thing. Let us send down more money than that. They will be thankful for all we can send them. But let them plan and organize for themselves, and work for themselves, and it will be an advantage to the cause of present truth as a whole. S. H. Lane spoke favorably of the plan, giving a brief review of how the General Conference had helped new Conferences in the past. A. G. Daniells: I am pleased with this thought on the part of our Southern brethren. I believe it is in harmony with the instruction that has been coming to us these many years. Now, first, I suppose they have resolved to economize, and to do more work with less money. That is what they mean to do. Well, I hope they will do a great deal more work, and accomplish a great deal more results, whether they have less money or more money. But I suppose they have fears that this Conference would question whether the taking of this step would not mean the expenditure of a great deal more General Conference money. That is to say: if they get self-government, and take the work into their own hands, direct their laborers, manage their affairs, shape the expenditure, they will use up a great deal more money than is already being sent; and that the General Conference will hardly know whether to take a step that might involve them in that way. I want to encourage these brethren to go on and take this step that should be taken: and I pledge myself, as one member of this Conference, to stand by them, even if it should take more money to go through the two years than they have spent the last two. Mrs. E. G. White: That is the right principle. A. G. Daniells: I have been in counsel with Sister White about the organization of new Conferences for a number of years, and I esteem it a privilege to state to the delegates here what I have frequently heard Sister White say. In Australia we have many times been in great perplexity for money. When we started on self-governing principles out there, the tendency on the part of our brethren was to let us be self-supporting as well as self-governing. Sister White has often said to us brethren: "What is the matter? What is the reason for that?"-Well I remember a brother once said to her: "This principle has been adopted by this people, by our brethren, our Conferences,--that as long as a field is a missionary field, we will look after it and endeavor to support it; but when it organizes, and becomes a self-governing field, then it must support itself; we no longer stand committed to its support." Sister White said, in reply, "Who made such a ruling as that? He had better been saying his prayers." The principle involved in that statement is this: that we are not justified in cutting a field off from our fostering care and support simply because it chooses to organize for local self-government. We are in duty bound to help the field, foster it, and encourage it with our assistance, just the same after organization as before. I do believe that by organizing in the South, placing the government, the management of the work, in the hands of men on the ground, having them direct the laborers, audit their accounts, run their institutions, work with their people, I believe that the funds, or receipts, will be increased per capita over what they have been hitherto. We must put them where they can advance their work, and help them with our counsel and with our funds just the best we can. Mrs. E. G. White: Amen! It is the Lord's money. I am thankful that there is to be a time when the mists will be cleared away. I hope that this time has begun here. We want the mists here to be cleared away. I want to say that from the light given to me by God, there should have been years ago organizations such as are now proposed. When we first met in Conference, it was thought that the General Conference should extend over the whole world. But this is not in God's order. Conferences must be organized in different localities, and it will be for the health of the different Conferences to have it thus. This does not mean that we are to cut ourselves apart from one another, and be as separate atoms. Every Conference is to touch every other Conference, and be in harmony with every other Conference. God wants us to talk for this, and He wants us to act for this. We are the people of God, who are to be separate from the world. We are to stand as representatives of sacred truth. While on my journey to Battle Creek, as I have visited different places, I at Los Angeles, asked, Why do you not do this? And the response has been, "That is what we want to do, but we must first get the consent of the Board, the members of which are in Oakland." But, I asked, have you not men here with common sense. If you have not, then by all means transport them You show great deficiency by having your Board hundreds of miles away. That is not the wisdom of God. There are men right where you are who have minds, who have judgment, who need to exercise their brains, who need to be learning how to do things, how to take up aggressive work, how to annex new territory. They are not to be dependent on a Conference at Battle Creek or a Board at Oakland. At the Health Retreat at St. Helena there was something which greatly needed to be done, and I called the leading men together, and urged upon them the importance of doing this thing. But they said, "We have no authority to act. We must first communicate with the Board." "What do you mean," I asked, "by acting in such a childish manner? Have you not men here who can be put in a position of responsibility, to decide such questions? If you have not, then do your best at once to find those who can fill such places here. We must have some one right at hand to whom we can speak. The Board must not be at San Francisco or Oakland, but here. They must be where we can counsel with them at once, in cases of necessity. Here is something that must be done immediately, and even if you have no official authority, take off your coats, and go to work to do that which must be done for the health of the institution." I relate this to show you how foolish it is to have a Board miles and miles away, instead of close at hand. In regard to the work in the South, the arrangements which are being made for that field are in accordance with the light which has been given me. God desires the Southern field to have a conference of its own. The work there must be done on different lines from the work in any other field. The laborers there will have to work on peculiar lines, nevertheless the work will be done. The Southern field must be organized into a Conference. The lack of interest that has been manifested in that field had made it double sure that it must be thus. The Lord is going to enter the South; He is going to work there. His salvation is to be revealed, and the very places in which it has been most difficult to make advancement, are to be the places where the angels of the Lord will go before us. The Lord told the children of Israel that they should have gone up and possessed the land, and He would have given them possession. So He says to us. We are to enter every place in which we can find standing- room. There we are to plant the standard of truth. There we are to leave a monument which every week will proclaim, "The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God." The Lord declares that when we diligently observe His Sabbath, it is a sign between Him and us, that we may know that He is the Lord that doth sanctify us. This knowledge is of more value to us than gold or silver or precious stones. The workers in the South are not to depend upon the Conference at Battle Creek They are to hang their helpless souls on Jesus Christ. God can work for men to-day as He worked for Daniel. He gave Daniel and his companions wisdom and understanding, and He will give wisdom and understanding to the workers who, with clean hands and willing minds, with self-denial and self-sacrifice, go into the Southern field to clear the King's highway, to take up the stumbling blocks, and prepare the way for the Lord's work to be done. If they will seek for the wisdom of God, if they will cling in humility to the mighty One, they will receive heaven's blessing. I said to my son, "If you will only work in and through the Holy Spirit, you will have a Comforter with you all the time. It does not matter what this one or that one may say. You are not amenable to any man. You are amenable to God. He has given you your work, and He is making a way for you so that you can work in His name." When I was in Vicksburg, I was so pleased to see in the congregation which assembled on the Sabbath, men of intelligence and real moral worth. I wanted to leave the room; for I felt that I should have to weep. I seldom shed a tear, not even when my dead are before me. Their work is done, and they are at rest. But when I see something that makes my heart glad, the tears will come. I want to tell you that I feel hopeful in God regarding this proposition concerning the Southern work. There is to be a great work done in the South. For several years I have been waiting and watching for this work. It has been delayed, but now it has been started, and I believe that it has started right. And to those who do not believe this, I would say, Do not talk unbelief. Put on your armor; put on the gospel shoes; and go to the South and see the work that is being done. My heart is greatly encouraged in God. I have rolled off the burden that was upon my soul. I feel, brethren and sisters, that we are going to take hold together in the name of the Lord, and seek with all our power to restore, to heal the wounds which have been inflicted on the cause, by a deficient knowledge of what God is to us, and of our relation to Him. We want to understand that there are no gods in our Conference. There are to be no kings here, and no kings in any Conference that is formed. "All ye are brethren." Matthew 23:8. Let us work on the platform of humility, seeking the Lord earnestly that His light may shine into our hearts, and that the arrangements we make may be after God's order. I thank God that we are to-day in the presence of the whole heavenly universe. While we are making these arrangements, all heaven is witnessing to them. If the veil could be removed, if our ears could be opened, we could see the holy angels and hear a song of triumph ascending to God, because advance is to be made in the Southern field. This field, because it is a hard one, has stood with little help and with little sympathy. Those who work there must put on the righteousness of Christ. He says, My righteousness shall go before you and the glory of God shall be your rearward. New Conferences must be formed. It was in the order of God that the Union Conference was organized in Australasia. The Lord God of Israel will link us all together. The organizing of new Conferences is not to separate us. It is to bind us together. The Conferences that are formed are to cling mightily to the Lord, so that through them He can reveal His power, making them excellent representations of fruit-bearing. "By their fruits ye shall know them." Matthew 7:20. 0, if ever there was a people who needed to be imbued with the Spirit of the living God, we need to be. At this time we must see something done which we have not seen for a long time. There must be a scattering from Battle Creek. Those who are here should learn all they can, so that when they go to other places, they can work for the Lord. He has wisdom for you, even as He had for Daniel. The Lord wants to bind those at this Conference heart to heart. No man is to say, "I am a god, and you must do as I say." From the beginning to the end this is wrong. There is to be an individual work God says, "Let him take hold of my strength, [that] he may make peace with me; [and] he shall make peace with me." Isaiah 27:5. Remember that God can give wisdom to those who handle His work. It is not necessary to send thousands of miles to Battle Creek for advice, and then have to wait weeks before an answer can be received. Those who are right on the ground are to decide what shall be done. You know what you have to wrestle with, but those who are thousands of miles away do not know. It is best for us to put our trust in the God of Israel. We are to feel that it is time for us to possess new territory, time for us to feel that we must break the bonds which have kept us from going forward. Young men, young women, there is a work for you to do. Just as surely as you do this work will you see the salvation of God. Close the windows of the soul earthward, and open them heavenward, and you will receive the rich blessings of heaven, and will at last gain a crown of immortality. G. A. Irwin: The question is still before us, to adopt the motion to adopt the Memorial. W. W. Prescott: I think we would all like to see this first step the right step,-I am referring especially to this question of funds. If the instruction which has been given here means anything to me, it means that right from the first the appropriations, or suggestions of appropriation, for these mission fields, must be largely increased; it means that from the very first our idea and expectation should be that all appropriations, or thoughts of appropriation, to these destitute fields should be much larger than heretofore. I am just as much interested in one field as another. I therefore move that it be the sense of this assembly that the General Conference deal liberally with the Southern field, and act upon the same basis in dealing with every mission field now in operation. W. C. White: I wish most heartily to second the motion made by brother Prescott. If we deal liberally with these, it will mean entering more avenues, establishing more schools, establishing more bath-houses, building up our book-work, building up the circulation of our literature, studying the requirements of the different classes, and preparing and furnishing literature to meet their wants. That is what it will mean. Why?-Because in every mission field the missionaries are drawn upon, their sympathies are drawn upon; as they see the work, their purses are drawn upon, their strength is drawn upon. There are a good number of workers. If they have heart, and something to do with, they will lead out in developing the new agencies; others will have courage to join with them; and thus the work will go forward nobly. Brethren, if you give them the facilities, if you give them the means of developing their field more rapidly than they have been allowed to do in the past, we shall see greater progress. Thus we shall hasten the Lord's glorious coming. Mrs. E. G. White: I want to say a word. As it had been presented before me, the Southern field has been so long neglected that the cries of distress have gone up to heaven, and there never can be a clearance of our people until that field shall have fourfold more than any other field should have. They must have it, because they have nothing with which to carry forward their work. From the light that God has given me, our people will never stand as they should stand before Him, until they redeem the past. G. A. Irwin: I think we should state the question. It is to grant the Memorial by referring that portion of it that pertains to the amount that shall go from the General Conference to this field, to the committee that was appointed for that purpose. O. A. Olsen: I am deeply interested in the question that is now under consideration. I am so glad that it has come in, and taken just the shape that it has here to-day. With all my heart I acknowledge that God is in it, and is leading out. Every word that has been said with reference to the Southern field is true. It is true that it has been neglected; it is true that we have not met the mind of the Lord in His calls upon us with reference to the work there; but, brethren, this principle does not begin nor stop with that one field. It is far-reaching in its scope. It means much to us, and it touches my soul deeply. I have made some visits to the Southern field, and know something of the situation there, -something of its needs, its destitution, and its urgent calls,- and I am so glad to see these provisions being made for supplying them. I have also seen something of other fields, and know something of their needs, their destitution, and their earnest pleas for help. May the Spirit that has come into this Conference this afternoon, so take possession of our souls so that we shall be fully aroused to sense the real situation. There is the European field, with its hundreds of millions of souls, and yet, what are we doing? There are two very small, struggling Conferences, that are doing their utmost; and yet, oh, how little in comparison with what ought to be done! And there, too, are souls that are reaching out with most earnest and anxious desires, pleading for light and for help. This principle reaches there also. It is going to make a tremendous draft upon our funds. Thank God, the Lord has blessed us with an abundance, and our Father is rich. When the Spirit of God gets hold of us, body, soul, and spirit, and we recognize God's ownership of ourselves and our possessions,-when we recognize that the work is God's, and that we are His stewards, His instrumentalities,--we shall see the blessing and power of God as we have never seen them before. We shall see the power of God in our Conferences; we shall see God even blessing our finances in a different way than they have ever been blessed before; and as has been mentioned here, we shall hasten the coming of the Lord and the glorious day of redemption. The Chair. I have no desire to cut off any discussion, but we have considered this matter quite at length, and it is now somewhat past the time for our adjournment. There is a motion before us to amend the Memorial. (General Conference Bulletin 1901, pp. 68-70.) Chapter Five - D Our Supply in Christ Sister White, in Early Morning Meeting, April 3, 1901. I thank the Lord that so many have come out to this early morning meeting to worship God. I desire that my heart shall be drawn out to God. It is our privilege to feel the deep movings of His Spirit. We read in James: "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting. My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing [this], that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have [her] perfect work, that ye maybe perfect and entire, wanting nothing." James 1:1-4. This is a wonderful position. And it is our privilege to occupy this position. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all [men] liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." James 1:6 "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. ouble minded man [is] unstable in all his ways. Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted: But the rich, in that he is made low: because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away. For the sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat, but it withereth the grass, and the flower thereof falleth, and the grace of the fashion of it perisheth: so also shall the rich man fade away in his ways. Blessed [is] the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him." James 1:5-12. Let us take in the idea of the privilege we have. There are so many who, when they are in trouble, forget the invitation God has given, and begin to look for human help. They go to human beings for aid, and this is the way in which their experience becomes feeble. In all our trials we will seek the Lord most earnestly, remembering that we are His property, His children by adoption, and we shall receive help. We are His by creation, we are His by redemption. By the cords of divine love we are bound to the Source of all power and strength. If we will only make God our dependence, asking Him for what we want as a little child asks his father for what he wants, we shall obtain a rich experience. We shall learn that God is the source of all strength and power. If, when you ask, you do not immediately feel any special exercise of feeling, do not think that your prayer is not answered. The One who says, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened," (Matthew 7:7-8) will hear and answer you. Let us, then, ask and seek, and have the privilege of finding. Christ says, "Come unto me, all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you,"the yoke of restraint and obedience,-"and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls." Matthew 11:28-29. We are to find rest by wearing His yoke and bearing His burdens. In being coworkers with Christ in the great work for which He gave His life, we shall find true rest. When we were sinners, He gave His life for us. He wants us to come to Him and learn of Him. Thus we are to find rest. He says He will give us rest. "Learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart." In doing this you will find in your own experience the rest that Christ gives, the rest that comes from wearing His yoke and lifting His burdens. God has been greatly dishonored by His people leaning upon human beings. He has not told us to do this. He has told us that he will teach us, He will guide us. We may come to Him and receive help. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God." James 1:5. I cannot tell you how many letters came to me across the broad Pacific when I was in Australia, asking for counsel. What did Christ promise His disciples if they would believe in Him as their personal Saviour? "Lo, I am with you alway," He said, "even unto the end of the world." Matthew 28:20. Again He says, "I am at thy right hand to help thee." Think of how many promises He has given us, which we may grasp by the hand of faith. When we go to the Source of power, we know that we shall receive that intelligence and wisdom which comes from a pure source, which is not mixed with anything of humanity. As we pray, it is our privilege to know that God wants us to pray, to ask Him for help. He wants us to become acquainted with Him, to speak to Him, to tell Him of our difficulties. Christ took humanity upon Himself. He laid aside His royal robe and kingly crown, and stepped down from His high command in the heavenly courts. Clothing His divinity with humanity, He encircled the race with his long human arm. He stands at the head of humanity, but not as a sinner. It is because there is no spot nor stain of sin upon Him that He can stand there. Because He is sinless, he can take away our sins, and place us on vantage-ground with God. When I open a letter beginning, "I am sorry to trouble you, Sister White, but I am in trouble, and I wish to know about something in regard to my family and in regard to myself," I feel sad at heart. When it is essential for you to know, God will let you know. He has promised that if you ask wisdom from Him, He will give it to you. But it is not always essential for us to know all the why's and wherefore's. We dishonor God by striving to get some one whom we think understands our case to help us. Is not Christ close beside us, and will He not give us the help we need? His word repeats the promise over and over again. "If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it," (John 14:14) He says. "If ye love me, keep my commandments." John 14:15. It is no marvel to me that at the present time there is so much weakness where there should be strength. The reason of this is that instead of drinking of the pure water of Lebanon, we are seeking to quench our thirst from cisterns in the lowlands, which contain not the water of life. I want to tell you, dear friends, that we have done great dishonor to our Master. Shall we continue to cherish the sin of unbelief, which doth so easily beset us, or shall we cast away this weight of unbelief, and go to the Source of strength, believing that we shall receive pity and compassion from the One who knows our frame, who loves us so well that He gave His own life for us, who bore in His own body the strokes which fell because of our transgression of the law of God. All this He did that we might be prisoners of hope. We are not polite to Christ. We do not recognize His presence. We do not realize that He is to be our honored guest, that we are encircled by His long human arm, while with His divine arm he grasps the throne of the Infinite. We forget that the threshold of heaven is flooded with the glory proceeding from the throne of God, that the light may fall directly on those who are seeking the help Christ alone can give. He said to the woman of Samaria, "If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water... Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." John 4:10,14. We are to recognize Christ. He does not want us to be as a band of mourners in a funeral train, bearing upon us the marks of care and perplexity. He wants us to commit the keeping of our souls to Him. He wants us to put our trust in the naked promise. But, you say, I do not feel like it. Tell me what value there is in feeling! Is feeling stronger than the faith which it is your privilege to exercise in God? Feelings change with almost every circumstance; but the promises of the Eternal are as solid rock. Let us build our house upon the sure foundation, and rivet our souls to the eternal Rock, the Rock of Ages. If we do this, we shall find that it will become habitual for us to remember that we have a Companion. Wherever we are, we are to talk with God. This is the way Enoch walked with God. He talked with Him. He recognized the Divine Presence. And in the days of Enoch the world was no more favorable for the perfection of Christian character than in 1901. There is no dependence to be placed in humanity. Where do you get your mental food. Do you get it from the newspapers of to-day, which are filled with the most disgusting and horrible representations? We have something better than this, and we are to show to the world that we know the source of power and efficiency and comfort. The grace of God, which passes knowledge, is imparted to us. It is free. The Lord can take every one of us in His embrace; for His arm encircles the race. Let us remember this, after Christ had taken the necessary steps in repentance, conversion, and faith in behalf of the human race, He went to John to be baptized of him in Jordan. "John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?" Matthew 3:14. Jesus answered, "Suffer [it to be so] now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness." Matthew 3:15. When He came up out of the water, He knelt down on the banks of the Jordan, and offered a prayer such as had never before entered heaven. While He was praying, the heavens opened, and the glory of God, in the form of a dove of burnished gold, rested upon Him, and from the highest heaven was heard the voice of the infinite One, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Matthew 3:17. Have you thought of what this means to us:-that in this prayer is included every son and daughter of Adam, who will believe in Christ as a personal Saviour, and take the requisite steps in repentance, conversion, faith, and baptism? We are baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and these three great, infinite powers are unitedly pledged to work in our behalf if we will co-operate with them. We are buried with Christ in baptism as an emblem of His death. We are raised from the water as an emblem of His resurrection. We are to live as new-born souls, that we may be raised at the last great day. You are to live in newness of life; for you are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God." Colossians 3:1. This is where you are to place your treasure. Christ's prayer on the banks of the Jordan includes every one who will believe in Him. The promise that you are accepted in the Beloved comes to you. God said, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Matthew 3:17. This means that through the dark shadow which Satan has thrown athwart your pathway Christ has cleared the way for you to the throne of the infinite God. He has laid hold of almighty power, and you are accepted in the Beloved. In every respect you are to honor God. But there is not in our experience that pleasantness and joyousness that there should be. Christ says that if He is in us, our joy will be full. Let us be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. Let us not, by living inconsistent, earthly, sensual lives, heap reproach upon Christ. Let us rise above the malarious atmosphere that pervades the world, and breathe the breath of God. Let us feed upon the bread of life. Christ declares that if we eat His flesh and drink His blood, we shall have eternal life. His word will be to us as the leaves of the tree of life. If we eat the bread that came down from heaven, we shall have a connection with God. We shall bring eternity into our reckoning. We shall live as in the presence of the whole heavenly host. The angels are watching and guarding us. God loves us, but we fail to cherish that love. God wants us to recognize His ownership in every human being. They are mine, He says. I have bought them with a price. "Ye are not your own... Therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." I Corinthians 6:19-20. Shall we not take hold of our privileges? Let us not dwell upon the dark side of the picture, saying that we do not know how things are coming out: that everything seems to be torn up and broken to pieces. It is not so. We may place ourselves under the molding hand of God. He will make of us vessels unto honor, if we are willing to be made thus. God wants us to expect large things, to remember that the prayer which ascended to heaven at the Saviour's baptism embraces every one of us. We are accepted in the Beloved. Christ has pledged Himself to keep us. Then commit the keeping of your souls to Him, as unto a faithful Creator. Repeat the words aloud, "I will commit the keeping of my soul to Him." We would better talk with God, even though our words are heard by others. When there are those around you who are stirred by passion, do not retaliate to their hasty words, but repeat the words of Scripture. Supposing you should do this in your dealing with your brethren and sisters. When untrue words are spoken about us, shall we flare up? Were not a great many untrue things spoken concerning the Saviour, and did He retaliate? God wants us to stand in moral dignity, recommending the divine power that enables us to possess our souls in patience. God wants His people to show to the world that they have opened the windows of the soul heavenward, that the Sun of Righteousness is shining into the soul temple, and that the windows are closed earthward. We need an increase of faith and confidence in God. To the poor souls who have been leaning on the broken staff of humanity I would say, 0 that God would show you that there is a power above the power of humanity! May God help every one of us to work on the plan of faith, believing that the Lord wants to be represented in our world, that He wants His power to be revealed in His people. He will reveal His power through you if you will only place yourselves where He can give you this power. You may have hope and joy and strength. The love of God in your heart will lead you to love your brethren. God wants you to manifest His love, that your life may be hid with Christ in God. The Father loves you as He loves His Son, because His Son has averted the sword of justice by offering Himself as a sacrifice. Christ purchased you at an infinite cost, and He wants you to show that you appreciate what has been done to place you on vantage-ground. He says to the Father, "Here is a poor sinner. I have given my life for him. He is saved by my grace. Receive him as your child." Do you think the Father will refuse? Let us at this Conference make it an individual work to seek God with all the heart, that we may find Him. Do not hunt up the sins some one else has committed. God has not made any one of you a sin-bearer. You cannot even bear your own sins. Christ must take your sins and the sins of every other mortal. Let us show that we appreciate His sacrifice in our behalf. Let us reveal in our lives the fragrance of His character. Be fragrant in your words. Remember that you are either a savor of life unto life or of death unto death. Let us be as fragrant flowers. Let the love of Christ pervade your lives. Let your words be such that they will be as apples of gold in pictures of silver. This is the work the Lord wants us to do. Cannot you think of enough to praise the Lord for? Cannot you praise Him because He died for you, because you have His word, which is so full of precious promises? He offers you the bread of life. He says, "The words that I speak unto you, [they] are spirit, and [they] are life." John 6:63. Eat His word, search it, dig deep for the hidden treasure. Do not talk. We have always had so much to say. God says, "Be still, and know that I [am] God." Psalms 46:10. Be still long enough to know that God is God. Remember that you are to help every one around you. Forget yourself, your bruises and wounds and difficulties. Praise God, and He will receive you. Because He lives, you may live also. (General Conference Bulletin 1901, pp. 35-37.) |