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Accidental, upward progress cannot occur. Evolutionists say it is the only way everything happens in the stars and on earth. The Second Law of Thermodynamics says the opposite. Who do you wish to believe? Evolutionary theory is a myth. God created everything; the evidence clearly points to it. Nothing else can explain the mountain of evidence. This is science vs. evolution—a Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, brought to you by Creation Science Facts.

CONTENTS: Laws of Nature vs. Evolution - 1

Evolution Defies the Second Law - Evolution is an outlaw theory. Evolutionists claim their theory supercedes all law
Evolution Is Opposed to Law - The theory is against both natural and moral laws
Both Laws Point to the Creator - The universe had a beginning and, without God's special help, will have an end

Page numbers without book references refer to the book, LAWS OF NATURE VS. EVOLUTION, from which these facts are summarized. An asterisk ( * ) by a name indicates that person is not known to be a creationist. Of over 4,000 quotations in the set of books this Encyclopedia is based on  only 164 statements are by creationists.


Evolution is an outlaw theory. It is a theory which is based on fantasy. Evolution teaches an upward arrow—all the way from nothingness, in the past, to present organization and on into a glorious future when man will become god, ruling the universe.

Evolutionists freely admit that the first and second laws exist, but declare that their theory is above such laws!

They say that the first law applies to our world today, but it did not when matter first came into existence in a Big Bang.

They say that the second law applies to the rest of the universe today, but not to the universe in past ages when the stars and galaxies formed, nor to our world today!

Even though Lord Kelvin, a British scientist, developed the second law by studying our world, and even Einstein said it is the most comprehensive of laws,—yet the evolutionists are determined to do away with it.—p. 17.

Open systems. Here is the evolutionary argument; it is very subtle: Energy from the sun flows to our world and makes it an open system. As long as the sun sends this energy, it will fuel evolutionary development here. Therefore sunshine negates the second law on our planet—in spite of what Einstein and the other scientists say!

This denial says too much: It says that everywhere in the universe, except in the cold of outer space, far from any star, there is no second law of thermodynamics! Evolutionists imagine that they have neatly eliminated that law!

It is the same as saying that, yes, Isaac Newton formulated the principle of gravity, and scientists agree that it governs everything; but we evolutionists tell you that it really affects nothing in our world.—p. 17.

Reply to the "open systems" argument. In reality, both the sun and the earth are using up energy, in the sense that it keeps becoming more and more unavailable.

An influx of heat energy (from the sun) into a system would not decrease entropy. The entropy continues operating. Actually, the added heat energy would increase the rate at which the breakdown of systems occurred. This is because oxidation is increased, and chemical actions speed up.

But, we might ask, does not added energy ever slow down entropy? Yes, but only when carefully applied by an outside intelligence.

It takes energy to build a house out of planks, pipes out of galvanized steel, windows out of glass, and then apply paint and maintain it all. By so doing, we slow entropy for a time. An intelligence higher than the house constructed it and keeps it in good shape. Eventually, the higher being steps back and stops the endless repairs and replacements—and entropy takes over. The house falls to pieces.—pp. 17-19.

Living organisms. It is said that living organisms are different and do not deteriorate. But a living creature is like the house. It requires continual maintenance to keep it in proper shape.—p. 18.

Increasing life complexity. Evolution teaches that life increases in complexity, and therefore defies the second law. But when a person is born, he has all the complexity built into him to start. It unfolds as he goes through life. Everything was in the utterly complex DNA code at the beginning of that person's existence. In addition, at birth a person is in the most physically perfect condition he will ever be in this life. The more he develops, the more blemishes and imperfections appear, until they gain the ascendancy and he dies.—pp. 18-19.

Quantity vs. conversion. The "open systems" argument is the one most frequently used by evolutionists to defend their theory. Yet what they are actually doing is confusing quantity of energy (and we get plenty from the sun) with conversion of energy.

There is enough energy in sunlight to do a lot of things. But it requires directed, thoughtful application to use it to make a house. Sunlight, by itself, will never make that house.

Sunlight could never originate life. It could never produce one living cell. It could never change one species into another.—p. 19.

Structured organisms. Whether it be a building, plant, or animal, entropy can be withstood only when there is an intelligent, complex blueprint covering both development and maintenance and an intelligence carrying out that blueprint.

Yet neither you, nor I, nor a mouse—is intelligent enough to make all the highly differentiated organs and structures within our bodies—from that first cell just after conception. None of us was smart enough to make our eyes. A super Intelligence, outside of ourselves, had to do that.

When you see a computerized fuel injection system in an automobile, you know the car did not make it. When you see the delicate structure of the inner ear, you know no person devised it. An Intelligent Power outside of ourselves made us and keeps us running. Think not that eating food, sleeping at night, and exercising is enough to care for your body. Incessant decisions have to be made on the microcellular level. Millions are being made every moment.—pp. 19-20.


Contrary to natural law. Repeatedly, thoughtful scientists have come to the conclusion that evolutionary theory runs contrary to natural law.—p. 21.

Contrary to moral law. But evolutionary theory also goes against moral law, as well. For the theory teaches that it is all right to violate any moral standard one might wish, for we are only animals, and not much different than the worms and mollusks we descended from.

Evolution teaches that the best way to succeed is to step on others around us, grind them down, and then move on up at their expense. Indeed, that is what the theory is based on! The name of the game is "survival of the fittest." Destroy others in order to maintain your own survival and advancement. More on this in a later article in this series: Evolution and Society.—pp. 21-22.

Summary of the evolutionary position. Here are six ways evolutionists tell us their theory is above law:

1 - Evolution is inevitable. It can neither be hindered nor stopped. Ironically, evolutionists are quick to say evolution has stopped, when it is expedient to do so. They tell us that stars stopped exploding just before the light from other stars began reaching us through telescopes. They say that humans stopped evolving just before any records were available to prove they ever had.

2 - Everything animate and inanimate is included in this evolutionary development. This includes people, animals, plants, rocks, elements, suns, stars, and all the universe. Yet, at other times, they say that only our world is now an "open system" because of sunlight falling on it.

3 - Evolution can only move from simplicity to increasing complexity. Yet they teach that evolution is always random,—and everyone knows that any random process will, by chance action, go in various directions, but ultimately will unravel and go to pieces.

4 - Evolution never reverses itself and goes toward increasing simplicity. It always becomes more complex. Yet the second law tells us everything keeps breaking down, going to pieces, or dying.

5 - Evolution is only an upward arrow of decreasing entropy, less decay, and better organization. It is clear that evolutionary theory is a law unto itself.

6 - No experimental methods apply to evolution, for it stands above experiment and above law. It needs no evidence and no proof. This last point is crucial to the survival of evolutionary theory, because there is no laboratory or field evidence supporting it. Just as "Alice in Wonderland" living does not happen in real life, so evolutionists find it necessary to set their theory apart from the realities of scientific evidence and experiment.—pp. 22-23.


The first law of thermodynamics says that matter and energy cannot originate. Yet it is quite obvious that both exist in abundance.

How then did they begin? Only God can make matter and energy.

The second law says that everything in our world and in the universe is like a wound-up clock that is running down.

How did the clock first get wound? Where did the organization come from that we see in the sky, on the earth, and within our own bodies?

God got everything started, and He keeps everything going. "In Him we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28).


To the next topic in this series: SCIENTISTS SPEAK ABOUT THE LAWS OF NATURE VS. EVOLUTION - They tell us facts which evolutionists do not want to admit.