Pilgrims' Waymarks Master Tract & Book Index |
E ____Earth, Age of: BOOK The Age of the Earth 48 pp, 8-1/2 x 11 ____Earth, Origin of: BOOK The Origin of the Earth 52 pp, 1996 8-1/2 x 11 ____Earthquake: WM1254 THE GREAT EARTHQUAKE Jan 05 Index: Earthquake / Climate ____Easter: WG4 WHERE DID EASTER COME FROM? Pagan and Catholic origins of Easter (Not PDF) ____Easter: BOOK CHRISTMAS, EASTER, AND HALLOWEEN Nov 97 84 pp, Loads of historical quotations and information; teachings about the Sabbath and its change, state of the dead. 8-1/2x11 For current prices, contact us or visit our web store ____Ecumenism: WM109 THE ECUMENICAL OBJECTIVE Apr 85. Powerful non-Adventist quotes on aims of Ecumenism: return to pope. (TB:ECUMENISM /HUNGARY/1) (Not pdf) ____Ecumenism: WM593-594 LINKING WITH THE LUTHERANS Part 1-2 Feb 95 ____Ecumenism: WM746-748 FRONTIERS OF THE BATTLE Part 1-3 Feb 97 ____Ecumenism: WM906 SECRET INTERCHURCH PLANNING AGREEMENT Sept 99 ____Ecumenism: WM914 UPDATE ON THE SECRET INTERCHURCH PLANNING MEETING Oct 99 ____Ecumenism: WM1001 ADVENTIST NOMADS Jan 01 ____Ecumenism: WM1002 SECOND EVANGELICAL CONFERENCES Jan 01 ____Ecumenism: WM1006-1007 NOMAD REMOVED FROM ABCs Part 1-2 Feb 01 [inside] - - Ecumenism see also Hungary, Evangelical Conferences - - Ecumenism also see Christian Churches Together ____Editions of Great Controversy: BOOK Editions of Great Controversy 504 pp, 1994. 8-1/2x11. ____Edson, Hiram: WM746-748 MEMORIES OF OCTOBER 22 [1844] May 97 - - Education see also Schools, Colleges - - Eight Laws also see Health, Hydrotherapy _____Email: WM-1239 -- The Email Phishing Fraud Oct 04 ____Encyclopedia: BOOK Natural Remedies Encyclopedia 4th Edition. For current prices, contact us or visit our web store. Request current Missionary Book Order Sheet. ____Encouragement: PL200 OVERCOMING DISCOURAGEMENT Dec 93 (not PDF) ____End-Time Warnings: WM857 END-TIME WARNINGS: Feb 99 Mar 99 Index: End-Time Warnings - - E.G. White also see White, E.G.; Spirit of Prophecy END OF TIME: BOOK (LAST-DAY EVENTS) 8 x 11- wide-margin, hard cover book. Excellent for individual and group study. 2005 For current prices, see latest book order sheets.. END OF TIME SERIES (LAST-DAY EVENTS books, - 5x8 - wide-margin books and videos LISTED BELOW. These are excellent for individual and group study. For current prices, see latest book order sheets.. Both book and video are available. For current prices, contact us or visit our web store. All videos are 1 hour, except #18 which is longer. ____ 1 - THE COUNTERFEIT REVIVAL AND THREEFOLD UNION 28 pp, 1994 Satanic excitement prepares churches. Protestant-Catholic confederation forms. Coercion of Government. Effect on Gods people. ____ 2 - THE NATIONAL SUNDAY LAW Book, 58 pp, Video 1993 Importance of event. What it will do. Timing. Lamb-like beast and what it is. No buy-sell decree. Sign to leave cities. Trades and Professional associations involved. Universal Sunday law. Which countries are first. Ultimately everywhere. IMAGE OF THE BEAST: What it is. How formed. Implications. When. Results. How to avoid. Now try to defeat. ____ 3 - THE FALSE LATTER RAIN Book, 52 pp, Video 1994 When are the various activities of Satan and devils. A special passage. Also after probation. ____ 4 - THE SHAKING AND THE SIFTING Book, 32 pp, Video 1994 Climax in future. Causes. Events during. Several effects on church. When finished. Will the organization go through? For current prices, see latest book order sheets.. ____ 5 - THE SEAL AND THE MARK Book, 62 pp, Video 1994 Nature of seal and mark. When placed in relation to each other. Timing. Progressive. Results. Close of probation. Test to the church before world. Relation to Loud Cry. A special passage. Relation to seal. ____ 6 - PERFECTION OF CHARACTER Book, 44 pp, Video 1994 The center of the coming crisis. We must now prepare for the judgment. The controversy in heaven began over obedience. In Christ you can overcome. ____ 7 - THE JUDGMENT OF THE LIVING AND BLOTTING OUT OF SIN Bk, 25 pp, Video 1994 Relation to Sunday law and the Investigative Judgment. Still future. The Zechariah vision. What judged by. The hinge of the judgment. THE BLOTTING OUT OF SIN: Nature and timing. What happens during. Relation to latter rain. ____ 8 - THE MARRIAGE IN THE MOST HOLY PLACE Book, 22 pp, Video 1994 The depth of the experience: the symbol; the parable; the call. Preparation for the latter rain. ____ 9 - THE LATTER RAIN Book, 38 pp, Video 1994 The event. Timing. Who it falls on. Their prior experience. Relation to the third angels message and loud cry. ____10 - THE LOUD CRY OF THE THIRD ANGEL Book, 46 pp, Video 1994 Timing. Relation to Gods people in other churches. What to do on Sundays during. The missing manuscript release. What the angel warns against. What it calls to do. Where it points them toward. Events preceding. Relation to timing of sealing and marking. THE FOURTH ANGEL STRENGTHENS THE LOUD CRY: Its special effects on the world. Relation to second angels message and that of the third. Why given. Its Pentecostal effects. Power and extent. What Gods people will do during. Largely a laymen's movement, unsupported by any major organization. Unusual agencies. Many will resist. 11 - THE LITTLE TIME OF TROUBLE Book, 33 pp, Video 1994 Relation and timing to loud cry. When it ends. Events in world during. Reaction of world to Gods people. Activity of Rome and Protestantism. Threatened with death. There are martyrs. 12 - THE CLOSE OF PROBATION Book, 30 pp, Video 1994 THE INDIVIDUAL CLOSE OF PROBATION: It will close for some before others. Sequential passages which discuss the Sunday Law Crisis. THE GENERAL CLOSE OF PROBATION: It is just before us. What has ended. Timing. Predictability. Relation to loud cry and sealing. Jesus departure from the Sanctuary. No Intercessor. The scapegoat transaction. No second probation. What the people are doing when it ends. 13 - THE GREAT TIME OF TROUBLE Book, 50 pp, Video 1994 Great time of trouble begins. Protection from the wicked removed. The four winds. What Satan does. Who is blamed. Wicked still deluded. Satans miracles. Death Decree. Satans primary objective. Time of Jacobs trouble. A final special test. Flight to secluded locations. Seven last plagues. Who sends them? Climax of Jacobs trouble. No martyrs. The night appointed for slaughter. 14 - THE VOICE OF GOD Book, 35 pp, Video 1994 The battle of Armageddon. Twelve special events and nearly 50 signs and wonders. Christ's journey to earth. 15 - THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST Book, 32 pp, Video 1994 The jubilee. The sign of the Son of Man. Timing. Jesus returns. Every eye. The display. The shaking. Flight of the wicked. The great awakening. The cry of the saints. The resurrection. Appearance of saints. Immortalized and caught up. The reuniting. 16 - THE MILLENNIUM Book, 30 pp, Video 1994 The journey. The coronation. Opening the gates. The view. The two Adams. The tree and the throne. The new song. Meeting guardian angels. The sentencing judgment. 17 - THE THIRD ADVENT OF CHRIST Book, 38 pp, Video 1994 Christ and redeemed return. The two descents. Resurrection, the plans, and march. Christ appears with His faithful ones. Final coronation. The Judge. Viewed by all the worlds. Opening the books. The wicked and everyone else understands. The panoramic view. The sentence. The confession. Satan's admission. End of the great controversy! Christ's declaration to His faithful ones. The final rebellion. The fire falls. A fair punishment. Sin and sinners gone. God and His law vindicated. City protected. Only one reminder of sin. 18 - THE ETERNITY BEYOND Book, 38 pp, Video 1994 Quotations, quotations, quotations from the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. ____Enoch: PL2-4 LIVING THE LIFE OF ENOCH Part 1-3 1980. SP quotes: Lessons from the life of Enoch, categorically arranged. (TB:INSPIRATIONAL/1) - - Error also see Matthew 18 ____Europe is Becoming Islamic! ____European Union: WM1276 "THEY SHALL NOT CLEAVE ONE TO ANOTHER" June 05 Index: European Union ____Evangelical Conferences: WM720 CATHOLIC COERCION OF ADVENTIST BOOKS Oct 96 ____Evangelical Conferences: WM727-728 THE ATONEMENT: FINISHED OR UNFINISHED? Part 1-2 Dec 96 Research Institute / Evangelical Conferences ____Evangelical Conferences: AN EVANGELICAL HISTORY OF THE ADVENTIST THEOLOGICAL SPLIT ____Evangelical Conferences: WM1002 SECOND EVANGELICAL CONFERENCES Jan 01 ____Evangelicals: WM541 EVANGELICALS AND CATHOLICS JOIN RANKS July 94 ____Evolution: WM818 EVOLUTION OFFICIALLY ACCEPTED BY THE VATICAN Mar 98 ____Evolution: BOOK Evolution Handbook For current prices, download latest book order sheet. - - Evolution also see Creation / Creation-Evolution / under individual topics ____Excitoxins: WM1089 BEWARE OF EXCITOTOXINS July 02 (Inside) Index: Nutrition / Excitotoxins F ____Fast food: WM1148 MAKING OF A BEEFBURGER June 03 Index: Beefburger / Fast food / Meat (not PDF) ____Fat: WM1256 PROBLEM OF FAT Feb 05 Index: Fat / Diet ____Feast days: WM608-610 TRUTH ABOUT THE FEAST DAYS Part 1-3 Apr 95 ____Ferrell: BOOK Story of My Life 120 pp, 1998 Biography of vf. 8-1/2x11. ____Ferrell: My Early Childhood and its Origins: Lessons for those who follow. (Not PDF) ____Ferris, Kevin: WM1296 FERRIS ARTICLE IN THE REVIEW Oct 05 Index: Church / Ferris, Kevin - - Fiji Sunday Laws see Sunday Laws ____Financial Crisis December 5 2008 Financial Crisis Update October 1 2008. - - Finances, Church also see Stock Market / Davenport ____Flea markets: FLEA MARKET EVANGELISM Sept 04 Index: Flea markets / Missionary work (Not PDF) ____Flea markets: WM1297 MARKET EVANGELISM Oct 05 Index: Market evangelism / Flea markets ____Flight 93: WM1063-1064 WHAT HAPPENED ON FLIGHT 93 Feb 02 Index: Flight 93 / September 11 - - Flu also see Avian flu (not Bird flu) ___Flu: WM-1317 The Killer Flu Virus-Preparing for an Epidemic Feb 06 ___Flu: WM-1279 Dangerous Flu Epidemic could Occur July 2005 ____Folkenberg, Robert: WM853-856 FOLKENBERG FRAUD LAWSUIT, Part 1-6 Jan 99 Index: Folkenberg ____Folkenberg, Robert: WM861 FOLKENBERG FRAUD TIMELINE Feb 99 Index: Folkenberg ____Folkenberg, Robert: WM862-863 FALL OF FOLKENBERG, Part 1-2 Mar 99 Index: Folkenberg ____Folkenberg, Robert: WM865 FALL OF FOLKENBERG: LATE FEBRUARY UPDATE Mar 99 Index: Folkenberg ____Folkenberg, Robert: WM877-878 STRANGE SAGA OF JAMES MOORE, Part 1-2 Apr 99 ____Folkenberg, Robert: WM879-880 FROM FOLKENBERG TO PAULSEN, Part 1-2 June 99 ____Folkenberg, Robert: WM881 FOLKENBERG STORY CONTINUES TO UNFOLD June 99 ____Folkenberg, Robert: WM922 RECENT EVENTS: FALL 1999 Dec 99 ____Folic acid: WM1089 FOLIC ACID LAWSUIT July 02 (Inside) Index: Nutrition / Folic acid - - Ford see also New Theology - - Forgotten Work also see Benevolent work for other books in this series - - Froom, L. E. see Evangelical Conferences - - Funds see Church funds |