Believe His Prophets
The very
last deception of Satan will be to make of none effect the testimony of
the Spirit of God. "Where there is no vision, the people perish"
(Proverbs 29:18). Satan will work ingeniously, in different ways and
through different agencies, to unsettle the confidence of God's remnant
people in the true testimony.
1SM 48 (1890).
Last Day Events: Compilation from Manuscripts and Letters of Ellen White PDF
Elder Andreasen Speaks about
the Spirit of Prophecy
Excerpts transcribed from an actual
recorded sermon from 1955.
Hear this
actual sermon in MP3!
Will There Be Another Prophet? PDF
A Work of Purification Needed: "Letter 55" In its entirety
Web Attack on Ellen White Refuted
The Medical Missionary Manual The Spirit of Prophecy Blueprint for this essential end-time work! (Download Entire Book in pdf.)
Seventh-day Adventism The Spirit Behind the Church: A Critique of the Jeremiah Films Video: Bob Pickle. (Off site link)
Counsels on The Celebration Church First compiled and published in 1990, this counsel is more important for us today than it was even then!
Identifying the Remnant Names on church rolls is no criteria for the 'Remnant'
The Spirit of Prophecy & the Cause of Reform: Interesting article by James White
An Adventist Apocalypse A valuable compilation of statements, many unpublished, on last day events from the writings of Ellen White. Originally compiled by the Drs. Rosenvold we offer it here for your study. This is a PDF file and requires Acrobat reader. You can download this as a PDF file to your own computer.
A Solemn Appeal Although this was written long ago the problems addressed are still very much with us only the settings have changed. The counsel is still of great value for anyone wise enough to recognize its truthfulness.
Looking for Human Help: A Sermon by Ellen White 1901
End of Time Series
An Expanded Spirit of Prophecy Study: We urgently need a clearer
understanding of coming events. That knowledge can help protect us from a
variety of errors when they are presented. This valuable series contains
many rare quotes and even some unpublished material.
End of Time
PDF E-book download.
(Separate PDF
booklets available here)
The Editions of 'Great Controversy'
with the many charges now circulating against SOP and especially Great
Controversy- Learn the Facts about the writing of this book! You can't afford not to!
Editions of 'Great
PDF E-book download.
M. L. Andreasen Speaks about Ellen White Excerpts transcribed from an actual recorded sermon from 1955. Hear this sermon in MP3!
Coming Judgments Upon the Cities Should We Live in the Cities?
The School of Christ: PDF One of the main themes of the Spirit of Prophecy! A study of this subject will change your outlook on salvation! We include 122 of the over 500 references to this subject in Ellen White's messages.
1285 Words! Will you read them? Will you heed them?
How God Protected Ellen Whites Writings
Searching for Changes in the Testimonies
Do Not Discard the Bible or Spirit of Prophecy
Do Not Reject the Spirit of Prophecy
The Most Important Book Is It Wrong to Give 'Great Controversy' to the Public? A.L. White Research Paper 1938
Secret Writers 1 PDF Did Others Write Her Books? The secret writers theory is fictitious, impossible, and a vicious attack on Ellen White and God.
Beginning of the End! What we saw on September 11, the prophet saw 100 years ago!
For more information
regarding Spirit of Prophecy topics and replies to attacks: